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dc.description.abstract | Islamisation process continuously happening in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia, and not
being able to be stopped in various aspects of human life, including science and education, brings
about awareness of reconstruction of Islamic epistemology. Reconstruction contains source of
science, goal of science, and method of science. Sources of science in Islam are revelation, reason,
and empirical data (of the universe and human being). Intuition may be another source of science.
Sciences are developed to find new inventions (taskhîr), to give benefits (istihsân), to make the
world in prosperity (isti`mâr), to uphold social justice (`adl), and to build social and cultural welfare
(istishlâh). Classical methods of naqlî dan `aqlî in one side and those of bayânî, burhânî dan `irfânî
in other side can be applied to develop Islam as a system of religion as well as a system of life in a
variety of approaches to integration: Islamisation of knowledge, scientification of Islam, and
integration-interconnection between religion, philosophy, and science. | in_ID |