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dc.description.abstract | Islam is a part of social reality, systems thinking, and movement that lives in history. Historically,
Islam is no longer made up of static doctrine, but it is embodied in institutions and systems of thoughtcertain active and dynamic. Islam has been characterized by intellectual and spiritual continuity thatcharacterize the principal of Muslims. When the track in the history of classical Islamic thought, it
is not difficult to find traces of the Islamic dynamics, in philosophy, theology, fiqh and sufism.
Muslims have given much attention to the intellectual legacy ever achieved in the past. Attention not only about intelectual productivity of works in the form of books and artifacts, but also historicalassessment of the conditions and the context of the emergence of intellectual practices that havegiven birth to the great work. This paper will discuss the pattern of classical Islamic reasoning andits relevance for the development of contemporary Islam. | in_ID |