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dc.contributor.authorDzofir, Mohammad
dc.identifier.citationHasan Hanafi, Al- Yamin Wa Al- Yasar Fi Fikr Al- Diniy,Mesir: Madbuky, 1989 Komarudin HidayatMemahami Bahasa Agama.Jakarta:Paramadina, 1996 Manna al-Qaththan, Mabahis fi Ulumil Quran, Beirut : Manshurah al-Ashr al-Hadis, 1973 Fahd bin Abdrrahman ar-Rumi, Ulumul Quran, Studi Kompleksitas Al-Quran, (terj.) Yogyakarta:Titian Ilahi Pers, 1996 Muhammad Abdul Azhim Az Zarqoni, Manahilil Irfan Fi Ulum Al-Qur’an, Mesir: Isa al-Bab Al Halaby,tth Badr al-Din al-Zarkasyi, al-Burhan fi ‘Ulum al-Qur’an, Kairo: al-Halabi, 1957 Jalal al-Din ‘Abd al-Rahman as-Suyuthi, Al-Itqan fi ‘Ulum al-Qur’an, Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1979 Hendar Riyadi, Tafsir Emansipatoris Arah baru Studi Tafsir al-Quran, Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2005 Fazlur Rahman, Islam dan Modernitas tentang Transformasi Intelektual Terj. Ahsin Mohammad Bandung : Pustaka, 1985 Fanani (ed) Berbagai Pembacaan Kontemporer Al- Qur’an Yogyakarta: LKIS, 2005 Nasr Hamid Abu Zaud, Mahfum an- Nash Dirosah Fi Ulum al- Qur’an Kairo: al-Haya’ah al- misriyyah al- ummah Lial- Kuttab, 1993 Martin Van Bruinessen, Kitab Kuning : Pesantren dan Tarekat, Bandung : Penerbit Mizan, 1995 Mohammaed Arkoun, Berbagai Pembacaan Al-Quran, diterj. Machasin, Jakarta: INIS, 1997 Jurnal Al- Jami’ah, Vol. 39 Number 2 July – December 2001, h. 379in_ID
dc.description.abstractA discussion of the Quran Ulumul epistemological perspective is actually a very interesting study. But it does not become a concern among Muslim intellectuals. They are more interested to comment on the texts of the Qur'an that are practical. Consequently epistemology Ulumul Quran which is still dominated by the paradigm has spawned bayani tekstualistik normative interpretation theory tends to ignore the social reality. Amin Abdullah idea about al-ta'wil al-ilmi as an alternative model in understanding the verses of the Quran, according to the authors is an interesting offer to be applied in the context of Ulumul Quran. Al-Ta'wil al-Ilmi basically a model of epistemology whose work patterns utilizing rotary motion hermenetis among the three shades of epistemology on Islamic sciences, namely bayani, Irfani and Burhani, which is standard. This effort will make the meaning and interpretation of the Quran can be responsive to social change, and drove on a mindset that is more tolerant and pluralist.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectUlumul Quranin_ID
dc.subjectal-ta’wil al-ilmiin_ID
dc.titleKritik Epistemologi Ulumul Quranin_ID

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