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dc.contributor.authorLatif, Nazaruddin
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dc.description.abstractThis paper discusses religious ethics as the basis for the development of science by Isma'il Raji al-Faruqi. The dichotomy of science and religion in the West raises serious problems. Development of secularized science and regardless of the moral values of religion. Religion detached from the role of moral control of the human activities. Value-free science that is free from elements of particular interest just be the old adage that is difficult to be realized. As proof, the product development of science, on the one hand benefit, but on the other hand it is used to create a terrible human tragedy. Wars and invasions supported by sophisticated technology is evidence of the use of technology products separated from the moral control of religion. To that end, it is important to include the moral values of the religion (Islam) which is absolute and universal as the basis for the development of science. Activity development of science is a form of human responsibility in carrying status as a vicegerent on earth. Realization caliphate based on the concept of tawhid, where every activity is done solely to serve Allah SWT.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.titleEtika Religius Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Sains (Konstruksi Pemikiran Etika Ismā’il Rāji al-Fārūqī)in_ID

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