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dc.identifier.citationAhmad, S. 1990. al-Fikr al-Tarbawi ‘ind Ibn Sahnun wal-Qabisi”, Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al-Alim.. Abdul, J.K. 1988. al-Qadi Badr al-Din Ibn Jama’ah: Hayatuhu wa Asaruhu. Karachi: Jami’ah al-Dirasat alIslamiyyah. Abuddin, N. 1998. Metodologi Studi Islam. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. ---------------. 1997. Filsafat Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Logos Wacana Ilmu. Bodgan, R.C, dan S. K. Biklen, 1998. Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods, London: Allyn and Bacon. Hasan, A. 2008. Etika Akademis Dalam Islam: Studi tentang Kitb Tazkirat al-Sami’ wa al-Mutakallim Karya Ibn Jama’ah. Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana. Hasyim, A. 2004. ‘Adab al-‘Alim wal-Mutakallim fima Yahtaj ilaihi fi Maqamat Ta’limihi” Jombang: Maktabah al-Turas al-Islami. Ibn, J. 2008. Tazkirah al-Sami’ wal-Mutakallim fi ‘Adab al-‘Alim wal-Muta’allim Diedit oleh Komaruddin, 1991. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Muhammad Mahdi al-‘Ajmi, Beirut: Dar al-Basyar al-Islami. --------. 2008. Tazkirat al-Sami’ wa al-Mutakallim fi ‘Adabi al-‘Alim wal-Muta’allim Diedit oleh Muhammad Hasyim al-Nadawi, Hyderabat: Da’irah al-Ma’arif al-Usmaniyyah, . --------. 1986. Tazkirat al-Sami’ wa al-Mutakallim fi ‘Adab al-‘Alim wal-Muta’allim Diedit oleh, ‘Abd Amir Syams al-Din. Beirut: Dar Iqra’. Suratman, S. 1998. Metode Penelitian. Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 1998. Suwito, Sejarah Sosial Pendidikan Islam, Jakarta: Logos Publising House, 2008.in_ID
dc.description.abstractHow important the science are, so that, Ibn Jam’ah and Ki Hadjar Dewantara made this as a spirit in his educational knowledge. It can be found in his thought about the concept of knowledge contained in his book entitled “Tazkirah al-Sami’ wa al-Mutakallim fi adab al-Alim wa al-Muta’allim” and ” Karya Ki Hadjar Dewantara: Bagian Pertama (Pendidikan)”, even, the educational experts recognized the conception he thought. Therefore, the focus of this problem was how was the concept of knowledge in the opinion of Ibn Jama’ah and Ki Hadjar Dewantara? The purpose was to know the formulation of the concept of knowledge of Ibn Jama’ah and Ki Hadjar Dewantara related to the concepts of scientist, teacher, student, and school. The research was in the qualitative form, the library research type, using the historical and philosophical approaches. The technique of análysis used content analysis, comparative, and descriptive. The data were analyzed to take conclusion from the existing phenomenon. The result of the research was that the thought of Ibn Jama’ah abouut the concept of knowledge was very systematical, broad, and in depth in the discussion, starting from the concepts of scientist, the nature of knowledge, the ethics of teacher, the ethics of student, the ethics in teaching, the ethics on book, and the ethics for dormitory resident. The concept of knowledge offered by Ibn Jama’ah in fact was nearly in accordance with the concepts of knowledge offered by other ulemas, such as Sheikh al-Zarnuji, al-Ghazali, Ahmad Dahlan, M. Hasyim Asy’ari, Ki Hadjar Dewantara and other ulemas who were experts in the educational knowledges. Nevertheless, the concept of knowledge of Ibn Jama’ah was more systematical, more simple, and deeper.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.subjectislamic educationin_ID
dc.subjectIbn Jama’ahin_ID
dc.subjectKi Hadjar Dewantarain_ID
dc.titleRekonstruksi Epistemologi Pendidikan Islam Dalam Pandangan Ibn Jamaah dan Ki Hadjar Dewantarain_ID

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