A Study Of The Drawability of Tailored Welded Blanks
Demand for lightweight vehicles is growing in a rapid swiftness primarily because of
economical and environmental reasons. By reducing the weight of the vehicles, the
fuel consumption and emissions are considerably reduced as well. For weight and cost
reduction, the technology of tailor-welded blanks (TWBs) is a promising technology
for both automotive and aerospace sectors. In this technology, some pieces of sheet
metals are welded together prior to the forming.
Since the tailored blank is composed from different sheet metal having different sheet
thickness as well as its properties, the forming of tailored blanks then creates a lot of
technical problems especially in the scheme of deformation. The objective of this
paper is to evaluate the drawability of Tailored Blanks.
In order to assess forming behaviour of tailor-welded blanks under the influence of
weld orientation, the uniaxial tension tests have been conducted for welded specimens
with the weld line oriented at different angles with respect to the direction of load. The
specimens were cut from a tailor-welded blank made from the same material.
The result of experiment has shown that a weld is characterised by higher strength and
lower plasticity in comparison to base material. Hence, the weld influences the strain
distribution in tailor-welded specimens. This phenomenon depends strongly on the
direction of the weld against the direction of tensile load. The lowest strains occur in
the specimen with a longitudinal weld.