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dc.identifier.citationAliabadi, M.H., Plate Bending Analysis with Boundary Element, Computational MechanicsPublications, Southampton (1998). Dirgantara, T. and Aliabadi, M.H., Boundary element formulation for geometrically non-linear analysis of shear deformable shells, Submitted for publication (2006) Kamiya, N. and Sawaki, Y., An integral equation approach to finite deflection of elastic plates, Int. J. Non-Linear Mech., 17(3), 187-194 (1982) 19 Karam, V.J. and Telles, J.C.F., On boundary elements for Reissner’s plate theory,Engineering Analysis, 5, 21-27 (1988) Karam, V.J. and Telles, J.C.F., Nonlinear material analysis of Reissner’s plates, Plate Bending Analysis with Boundary Element, 127-163, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton (1998). Kirchhoff, G., Uber das gleichgewicht und die bewegung einer elastischen scheibe, J.Rein Angew Math., 40, 51-88 (1850) Lei, X.Y., Huang, M.K. andWang, X.X., Geometrically nonlinear analysis of a Reissner’s type plate by boundary element method, Comput. Struct., 37(6), 911-916 (1990) Naghdi, P.M., On the theory of thin elastic shells, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 14, 369-380, 1956. Purbolaksono, J. and Aliabadi, M.H., Large deformation of shear deformable plate by boundary element method, J. of Engineering Mathe matics, (2005) Reissner, E., On a variational theorem in elasticity, Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 29, 90-95, (1950). Ribeiro, G.O. and Venturini,W.S., Elastoplastic analysis of Reissner’s plate using the boundary element method, Plate Bending Analysis with Boundary Element, 101-125, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton (1998). Supriyono, Aliabadi, M.H., Boundary Element Method for Shear Deformable Plates with Combined Geometric and Material Nonlinearities, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 30, 31-42 (2006). Tanaka, M., Large deflection analysis of thin elastic plates, Developments in Boundary Element Methods, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 13, 115-136 (1984) Wen, P.H., Aliabadi, M.H., Young, A., Large deflection analysis of Reissner plate byboundary element method, Computer & Structure, (2004)en_US
dc.description.abstractIn this paper a total incremental method for solving nonlinear system equation due to plasticity of shear deformable plates is presented. The material is assumed to undergo small strains. The von Mises criterion is used to evaluate the plastic zone and elastic perfectly plastic material behaviour is assumed. An initial stress formulation is used to formulate the boundary integral equations. The domain integral due to material nonlinearity is evaluated using a cell discretization technique. Several examples are presented and comparisons are made to demonstrate the validity and the accuracy of the total incremental method to solve the nonlinear system of equation due to plasticity.en_US
dc.subjectReissner plates-nonlinear system of equation-total increment method- plasticity-boundary element methoden_US
dc.titleTotal Incremental Method for Solving Nonlinear System of Equation Due to Plasticity of Reissner Plates with Boundary Element Methoden_US

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