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dc.contributor.authorShahadan, Faridah
dc.identifier.citationAnshori, M. 2005. Usulan Model Keputusan Multi Kriteria Terintegrasi untuk Pemilihan UKM Penerima Pinjaman Lunak di Wilayah Surabaya. Tesis Teknik Industri - ITS, Surabaya. Chambers, Robert. Poverty and Livelihoods. 1995. Whose Reality Counts? Uner Kirdar and Leonard Silk (eds.), People: From Impoverishment to Empowerment. New York: New York University Press. Cho DS, Moon HC. 2003. From Adam Smith To Michael Porter: Evolusi Teori Daya Saing. Jakarta: Salemba Empat. Dinas Perindustrian Propinsi Jawa Tengah. 2009. Statistik Industri. Semarang Ife, James William. 1995. Community Development, Creating Community Alternatives (Vision, Analysis and Practice), Longman, Australia. Mubin, Ahmad. 2007. Model Kebijakan Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) Kimia Kabupaten Malang Dengan Pendekatan Teknometrik. Lemlit – UMM, Malang Muhammad Taufiq. 2004. Proyeksi Sentra Menjadi Klaster. Infokop Nomor 25 Tahun XX. Porter ME. 2000. The Microeconomic Foundations of Competitiveness and the Role of Clusters. [15 April 2010] Porter ME. 2003. Clusters and Regional Competitiveness: Recent Learnings. International Conference on Technology Clusters. Montreal, Canada. Montreal_Cluster_Conference_2003.11.03_ckrb.pdf [15 April 2010] Porter ME. 2006. Raising Indonesia‟s Competitiveness. Bahan Presentasi pada seminar tanggal 28 November 2006 di Jakarta. _CAON.pdf [15 April 2010] Roscoe, J. T. (1975). Fundamental research statisticsfor the behavioral sciences. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. Saaty, TL. 1980. The Analytic Hierarchy Process. NY: McGraw Hill. Soetrisno N. 2005. SME Clustering Strategy In Indonesia: An Integrated Development Support. Proceedings of Four Expert Meetings. N.Y and Geneva: UNCTAD. 131-137. Wheelen and Hunger. 1986. Strategic management and Business Policy. USA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Weinstein, C.E., & Mayer, R.E. 1986. The teaching of learning strategies. In M. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching. New York, NY: Macmillan. 3 15-327. Wiyadi. Rina Trisnawati. 2008. Analisis Daya Saing Industri Batik di Surakarta Sebagai Sentra Penghasil Komoditi Unggulan Daerah. Prosiding Seminar Ketahanan Ekonomi Nasional (SKEN), UPN ‖Veteran ‖ – Yogyakarta: 24 -25 Oktober. [27 May 2010.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to (1) identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) which faced by small and medium industries (SMI), (2)measure the SMI competitiveness and performance, and (3)describe the empowerment approach to improve the SMI competitiveness and performance. The samples are 394 small and medium entrepreneurs in Central Java - Indonesia which selected by random survey. The SMI competitiveness is measured by the index which is established on Porter's diamond model. This model includes four dimensions. They are the dimension of factor condition, the dimension of demand condition, the dimension of firm strategy structure and rivalry, and the dimension of the supporting industries and related industries. Based on the results of SWOT analysis, SMI has higher opportunity score than threat score and the strength score has lower than weakness score. From the measurement of competitiveness, it is found that SMI has the high competitiveness. The index score is 264.18. The measurement of SMI performance is used by ROI, ROE, and sales growth rates. The results showed the average ROI (20.96%)), ROE (25.89%), and sales growth (7.51%). Based on correlation analysis, it is found the SMI competitiveness has positive correlation with the SMI performance significantly. The empowerment approach to improve the SMI competitiveness and performance uses the pattern cluster approach that involves three main actors. They are government, entrepreneurs, and owner of show room and broker.in_ID
dc.subjectcontemporary issue in managementin_ID
dc.titleEmpowerment Through Cluster Approach For Improving Competitiveness and Performance Of Small And Medium Industries In Central Java-Indonesiain_ID

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