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dc.contributor.authorSasongko, Noer
dc.contributor.authorPurbasari, Happy
dc.identifier.citationAhmed A. Al Khabashdan Ali A. Al Thunaibat. 2009. “Earning Management Practice from the Perspective of External and Internal Auditor: Evidence from Jordan”. Managerial Auditing Journal.Emerald Article. Ali, Ruhani; Zamri Ahmad; MdAminul Islam. 2011. “Is Modified Jones Model Effective is Detecting Earning Management? Evidence from a developing economy”. International Journal of Economic and Finance Vol. 3 No. 2. Halim, Julia; Carmel Meiden; RudilfLumbanTobing, 2005. “PengaruhManajemenLabaPada Tingkat PengungkapanLaporanKeuanganPada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang TermasukDalamIndeks LQ – 45”. SimposiumNasionalAkuntansiVIII : Solo, 15 -16 September 2005. Hansen, Glen. A, 1999. “Bias And Measurement Error In Discretionary Accrual Model”. 15 Juni 2012. Healy, P. M. and J. M. Wahlen. 1999.“A Review of the Earnings Management Literature and Its Implications for Standard Setting”. Accounting Horizons 13 (4): 365-383. Kothari, SP; Andrew J. Leone; Charles E. Wasley, 2002. “Performance Matched Discretionary Accrual Measures”. Diaksestanggal 15 Juni 2012. Prasnowo, Nanang. 2011. “PraktikManajemenLabapada Perusahaan Go Public yang Terdaftar di Jakarta Islamc Index (JII) StudiEmpirispadaperusahaan go public di Indonesia ”. Tesis, Program PascaSarjanaUniversitasMuhammadiyah Surakarta. Surakarta. Richardson; Scott A; Richard G. Sloan et al. 2001.“Information in Accruals about the Quality of Earnings”. Schelleman, Caren and W. Robert Knechel. 2010. “Short-Term Accruals and The Pricing and Production of Audit Services”. A Journal of Practice & Theory Vol. 29, No. 1 May. American Accounting Assosiation. Sugiri, S., 1998.“Earnings Management: Teori, Model, danBuktiEmpiris”. Telaah:1-15 Ujiyantho, Muh. Arief, dan B. A. Pramuka, 2007. “Mekanisme Corporate Governance, ManajemenLabadanKinerjaKeuangan: StudiPada Perusahaan Go PublikSektorManufaktur“. SimposiumNasionalAkuntansi (SNA) X, Makassar, 26-27 Juli, h 1-26. Whelan, Catherine, 2004. “The Impact Of Earnings Management On The Value – Relevance Of Earnings And Book Value : A Comparison Of Short Term And Long Term Discretionary Accrual”. Diaksestanggal 3 April 2012. Whelan, Catherine and Ray McNamara, 2004. “The Impact Of Earnings Mangement Of The Value – Relevance Of Financial Statement Information”. Diaksestanggal 3 April 2012.
dc.description.abstractEarning Management(EM) isa behavior of managers in presenting the financial statements, Managers choose accounting methods based on accounting standards for theincrease(decrease) in income for the period of the business unit responsibilities, without causing an increase (decrease) in the unit of economic profitability in the long run(Gul and Tsui, 2001; Aljifri, 2007; Cohen and Zarowin, 2010;Louis and Robinson, 2005;Hastuti dan Hutama, 2010). This study developed a modified model ofJones(Kang and Sivaramakrishnan,1995; Kothari, 2001; Fields, Lys, and Vincent,2001; Whelan dan McNamara, 2004). The model isdivided intoshort-term discretionaryaccruals(STDAM) andlong-term discretionaryaccruals(LTDAM). STDAMis anEMcaused by theuse ofaccounting methodsthroughchanges incurrent assetsthathave an impact onrevenuesorcosts, whileLTDAMis anEMofchanges infixed assetsthathave an impact onrevenuesandexpenses.This study aims to analyze differences between methods STDAM with LTDAM of companies listedonthe shariah index (JII). This study is across sectional study that takesthe data fromtheyears2004-2010. The sample inthis study amounted to130firm years. The result shows adifferencebetween modelsofSTDAM with LTDAMoncompanies in the shariah index. Differencebetween STDAMwith LTDAMoccurdueto STDAMtend to be lowerthan LTDAM. Wheredifferences inthe use ofaccounting methodsoncurrent assetssuch ascredit sales, accounts receivable, andinventorytend togivelowerincome/reduced. While the use ofaccountingmethodsonfixed assetssuch asfixed assets depreciationmethodtends to givehigherincomeorincrease.in_ID
dc.subjectEarning Managementin_ID
dc.subjectShort Term Discretionary Accrualin_ID
dc.subjectLong Term Discretionary Accrualin_ID
dc.titleEarnings Management Practices on Companies In The Shariah Index (The comparative studies between STDAM and LTDAM in Indonesian stock exchange during 2004-2010 period)in_ID

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