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dc.contributor.authorBawono, Andy Dwi Bayu
dc.identifier.citationAhadiyat, Ayi. 2005. Ulasan Kritis terhadap Relatisasi di Tempat Kerja: Peranan Keadilan Distributif, Prosedural dan Interaksional. KOMPAK, edisi Januari-April hlm. 89. Baron, RM. And Kenny, DA. 1986. The Moderator- Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological research: Conceptual, Strategic and Statistical Consideration. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51 (6) hlm. 1173-1182. Brownell, P. and McInnes M. 1986. Budgetary Participation, Motivation and Managerial Performance. The Accounting Review, 61 (4), pp 225 - 223. Brownell, Peter. 1983. Leadership Style, Budgetary Participation & Management Behaviour. Accounting Organsation & Society, Vol. 8, No. 4. Departemen Dalam Negeri. 2006. Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri No 13 Tahun 2006. Jakarta: Indonesia. Early, P.C dan Lind, EA. 1987. Prosedural Justice and Partisipation in Task Selection: The Role of Control in Mediating Justice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 52, No. 6. Ferdinand, A. GUl, Judy SL. Tsui, Steve C.C. 1995. Desentralisation as a Moderating Faktor in the Budgetary Participation-Performance Relationship: Some Hong Kong Evidence. Accounting and Business Research Vol. 25, No. 98. Fitri, Yulia. 2004. Pengaruh Informasi, Asimetri, Partisipasi Penganggaran dan Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Timbulnya Senjangan Anggaran. Makalah SNA VII Denpasar Bali. Friedland, N. Thibaut, J. and Walker, L. 1973. Some Determinants of the Violation of Rules, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 3, pp 103-118. Ghozali 2005. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan Program SPSS. Edisi 3. Semarang: BPFE Undip. Hair, Joseph E., Anderson, Rolph E., Ronald E. 1995. Multivariate Data Analysis. Prentice Hall International Inc. Kanfer, R., Sawyer, J., Earley, P.C. dan Lind, E.A. 1987. Participation in Task Evaluation Procedures: The Effects of Influential Opinion Expression and Knowledge of Evaluation Criteria on Attitudes and Performance. Social Justice Research. hlm 3. Kenis, I. 1979. Effects of Budgetary Goal Characteristics on Managerial Attitudes and Performance. The Accounting Review. Lau, C.M. & Tan, J. 1998. The interactive effect of Budget Emphasis, Participation and Task Difficulty on Managerial Performance: A Cross-Cultural Study of the Singaporean and Australian Financial Service Sector, Management Accounting Research , 9, hlm. 163-183. Lau, C.M., and Lim, E.W. 2002. The Intervening Effects of Participation on the Relationship between Prosedural Justice and Managerial Performance. British Accounting Review. Hlm. 34. Libby, T. 1999. The Influence of Voice and Explanation on Performance in a Participative Budgeting Setting. Accounting Organization and Society Vol. 24 No. 2. Libby, T. 2001. Referent Cognitions and Budgetary Fairness: A Research Note. Journal of Management Accounting Research Hlm. 13. Lind, E.S., and Tyler, T.R. 1988. The Social Psychology of Procedural Justice. New York: Plenum Press. Lindquist, T.M. 1995. Fairness as Antecedent to Participative Budgeting: Examining The Effect of Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice and Referent Cognition on Satisfaction and Performance. Journal of Management Accounting research. Fall 7 Hlm. 122-142. Mahoney, TA. Jerdee, T.H. and Caroll, S.j. 1963. Development of Managerial Performance: A Research Approach. Cincinnati: South Western Publishing. Mahoney, TA. Jerdee, T.H. and Caroll, S.j. 1965. The Jobs of Management, Industrial Relation, 4, pp. 97 – 110. McFarlin, D.B., dan Sweeney, P.D. 1992. Distributive and Procedural Justice as Predictors of Satisfaction with Personal and Organizational Outcomes. Academy of Management Journal hlm. 626-637. Mulyadi. 1999. Total Quality Manajemen. Edisi I: Yogyakarta: Aditya Media. Mulyasari, W dan Sugiri, S. 2004. Pengaruh Keadilan Persepsian, Komitmen pada Tujuan dan Job Relevant Information terhadap Hubungan antara Penganggaran Partisipatif dan Kinerja Manajer. Artikel SNA VII. Muslimah, S. 1998. Dampak Gaya Kepemimpinan, Ketidakpastian Lingkungan dan Informasi Job Relevant terhadap Perceived Usefulness Sistem Penganggaran”. Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Indonesia. Vol.1 No. 2. Ratnawati, K. 2004. Pengaruh Budgetary Goal Characteristics terhadap Kinerja Manajerial dengan Budaya Paternalistik dan Komitmen Organisasi sebagai Moderating Variabel. Artikel SNA VII. Saunder, MNK., Thornhill, A. dan Lewis, P. 2002. Understanding Employees Reaction to the Management of Change: An Exploration Through an Organizational Justice Frame Work. Irish Journal of Management. Wasisto, A. dan Sholihin, M. 2004. Peran Partisipasi Penganggaran dalam Hubungan antara Keadilan Prosedural dengan Kinerja Manajerial dan Kepuasan Kerja. Artikel SNA VII. Wiyono. 2004. Keadilan Organisasional dan Kepuasan Kerja: Pengujian Keterkaitan Equity Theory dengan Work Outcomes. Benefit Vol. 8 No. 2 Hlm. 119-210.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this research is to understand the relationship between budgetary goal characteristics and managerial performance. However, the positive relationship between procedural justice and managerial performance may not be a direct one, but is indirect via the intervening variable of procedural justice. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling with criteria as middle and lower manager on the finance department in local government of ex Karesidenan Surakarta. Analysis technique used is multivariate analysis to test the truth of relationship (causal model) between variables of this research. The result, based on a path analytical model and a sample of 83 middle and low managers on local government, indicate that budgetary goal characteristics have a direct effect on the managerial performance and indirect effect via procedural justice.en_US
dc.subjectmanagerial performanceen_US
dc.subjectprocedural justiceen_US
dc.subjectbudgetary goal characteristicsen_US
dc.subjectmultivariate analysisen_US

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