Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan Tentang Gizi, Asupan Lemak, dan Protein dengan Proses Penyembuhan Luka Pada Pasien Post Caesarean Section di Instalasi Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Introduction: Wound healing is a complex series of reaction and interactionsbetween cells and
inflammatory mediators in the process of tissue repairment.There are three phases in the process
of wound healing, which are inflammatory,proliferation and resorbtion phase. Knowledge
about of nutrition is a fundamentalchange in the behavior of someone in the fulfillment of
the intake of nutrients in the process of wound healing. The amino acid glycine, proline, and
hidrosipolin have important roles in the formation of fibroblasts that produce mucopolisacaride
and collagen fibers in the proliferation phase. Aside from being are of the primary energy
sources after glucose, some fatty acids also act as an anti-inflammatory in
the wound healing process, namely linolenic and linoleic acid.
Objective: to understand the relationship between knowledge about nutrition, intakes of fat and
protein, and the wound healing process in post caesarean section patients.
Methods: This study was an observational study with cross-sectional design. Researchers
conducted a survey on knowledge about nutrition, intakes of fat and protein in 40 post
caesarean section patients at Outpatient Installation in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of
Surakarta. Sampling was done using consecutive sampling. Data on intakes of fat and protein
were collected using four-day food recall and those of level of knowledge about nutrition used
a questionnaire.
Results: There was 2.5% of respondents had little knowledge, 9% had high fatintake and 15%
had low protein intake. Results of Spearman’s rank correlation test showed knowledge had a
value of p = 0.15, fat intake had p = 0.84 and protein intake had p = 0.079.
Conclusions: There was no significant association between the intakes of fat and protein, and
knowledge about nutrition and the wound healing process in post caesarean section patients.