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dc.description.abstract | Fast food (fast food) is food available in quick time and is ready to eat, such
as fried chicken, hamburgers or pizza. Fast food is easily available in the market provide the
availability of variety of food to taste and purchasing power. Processing and setup is easier and
faster, suitable for those who are very busy. Many factors contribute to the high consumption
of fast food among the busyness of parents, social environment and a place to stay. Students
who live in boarding houses on average have a habit of eating out, but did not rule on the
students who live in homes that have busy parents. Objective : Knowing the relationship of fast
food consumption frequency with stay on the students of the Faculty of Health Sciences and
the Faculty of Engineering at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Methods : This
study was an observational with cross sectional approach. Frequency of fast food consumption
using current semi-quantitative food frequency (FFQ) and student residence with interviews
directly. Data analysis using Chi Square test. Results : The average frequency of consumption
of fast food to the students most in the category Nikken infrequently as much as 73.7% and
average subjects consume fast food on the engineering faculty at most in the category often as
much as 73.7%. Based on the results of Chi Square test, p = 0.095 no correlation frequency
of consumption of fast food to a FIK students residence, and p = 0,000 significant association
between the frequency of consumption of fast food to stay on the FT students. Conclusion :
There is no correlation frequency of consumption of fast food to a FIK students residence and
there was a significant association between the frequency of fast food consumption to a FT
students residence. | in_ID |