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dc.contributor.authorUtami, Nurul Putrie
dc.contributor.authorPurba, Martalena Br.
dc.contributor.authorHuriyati, Emy
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dc.description.abstractBackground: Obesity has been increasing worldwide and related to some degenerative disease, moreover if it occurred since adolescence. Some studies revealled that sleep is one of the risk factors being overweight and obesity and it become one of controlling risk factors for obesity. Objective: To determine the relationship between sleep duration with energy intake and obesity in junior high school adolescents. Method: This study is an observational research with casecontrol design in adolescents aged 11-15 years from four junior high schools at Yogyakarta City. Total participants of this study are 120 students which randomly selected for 60 obese students (cases) and 60 non-obese students (control) with match in age and gender. Data such as sleep duration quality was obtained from questionnaires of sleep habits and energy intake data obtained from Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ). Results: There is significant energy intake differences in the sleep duration <8,5 hours compared to ≥8,5 hours per day (p ≤ 0,05). The results of the chi-square test showed no significant relationship between sleep r sleep duration with energy intake (p> 0,05). There were significant differences in energy intake between case and control groups (p<0,01). There’s no significant relationship between sleep duration with obesity (p> 0,05). Conclusion: There is no significant relationship between sleep duration with the energy intake. There is a relationship of energy intake to obesity. There is no significant relationship between sleep duration with obesity.in_ID
dc.publisherProdi Ilmu Gizi Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectsleep durationin_ID
dc.subjectenergy intakein_ID
dc.titleHubungan Durasi Tidur Terhadap Asupan Energi dan Obesitas Pada Remaja SMP di Kota Yogyakartain_ID

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