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dc.contributor.authorPratama, Shavira Putri
dc.contributor.authorNastiti, Fahmi Haqq
dc.contributor.authorZulaekah, Siti
dc.contributor.authorHidayati, Listyani
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dc.description.abstractNational data shows us the prevalence of stunting of 36.7%, a health problem in a region where considered to be severe if the short prevalence were 30-39%, and said to be serious when the shorter prevalence were ≥ 40%. Maternal factors such as height, age, education of mother and family socio economic are the cause of stunting. Some of the studies indicate that the risk of stunting children become overweight and obesity in the upcoming times are high. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the mother, family, fat intake and body fat percentage in stunting and non-stunting teenager in SMP Negeri 1 Nguter. Data for this study were obtained from a quantitative research using cross-sectional approach by 80 teenagers with a simple random sampling technique. The characteristic data of the mother, family, fat intake and percentage of body fat are obtained through interviews, questionnaires, and anthropometric measurements. Then the data is analyzed using statistical tests Independent T-test. Based on the bivariate analysis, there are some difference on the mother’s height data of stunting and non-stunting teenager (p = 0.004), the body fat percentage data of stunting and non-stunting teenager (p= 0.001) and the fat intake data of stunting and non-stunting teenager (p= 0,000). The analysis also shows no differences in mother’s mother’s age data of stunting and nonstunting teenagers (p= 0.497), level of mother’s educational data (p= 0.309) and economical status data (p= 0.168).in_ID
dc.publisherProdi Ilmu Gizi Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectfat intakein_ID
dc.subjectfamily characteristicsin_ID
dc.subjectpercent body fatin_ID
dc.titleKarakteristik Ibu, Keluarga, Asupan Lemak, dan Persen Lemak Tubuh pada Remaja Stunting dan Non-Stunting di SMP Negeri 1 Nguter Kabupaten Sukoharjoin_ID

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