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dc.description.abstract | Anemia in adolescent girls may occur because of increased iron requirements on growth, low
intake or bioavailability of iron from food, infections and parasites, the loss of iron through
menstruation. In addition, low education, low knowledge, low income and low social status of
society is a fundamental cause of anemia in Indonesia (Arisman, 2009; Zulaekah, 2009). The
purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of nutrition education to the intake
of protein and hemoglobin levels in adolescent girls. This research method to study design
randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The subject is the student class X SMA N
1 Simo were divided into treatment and comparison groups, each group of 28 subjects. The
treatment group was given nutrition education subjects such as nutrition education and booklets,
while the comparison group were given a booklet on nutrition. This study was conducted over
three months. Effect of nutrition education before and after treatment was tested with Paired
t-test. Differences in the treatment and comparison groups were tested by Independent t-test.
The results of this study are effective nutrition education increase as much as 17.43 grams
of protein intake, and nutrition education effectively increase hemoglobin levels of 1.3 g / dl.
It is concluded that nutrition education effectively increase protein intake, and hemoglobin
concentration. | in_ID |