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dc.contributor.authorNila, Shafa Firda
dc.identifier.citationAgustin-Llach, Maria Pilar. (2007). Lexical Errors in Young EFL Learners: How Do They Relate to Proficiency Measures?. Interlinguistica 17 (2007). Brown, Douglas. (2004). Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. New York: Longman. Creswell, John. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (4th edition). Boston: Pearson Education. _____________. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (4th edition). California: Sage Publication. Daniela, Popescu. (2014). Teaching English to Students in Economics. Economy Series, Issue 4/2014. Constantin Brancusi University in Targu Jiu. Faisyal, Rachmat. (2015). Morphological and Syntactic Errors Found in English Composition Written by the Students of Daarut Taqwa Islamic Boarding School Klaten. Postgraduate Thesis. Muhammadiyah University Surakarta. Ferris, Dana. (2007). Preparing Teachers to Respond to Student Writing. Journal of Second Language Writing 16 (2007) 165-193. Ferris, Dana & Hedgcock, John. (2005). Teaching ESL Composition: Purpose, Process, and Practice (2nd edition). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Frendo, Evan. (2012). How to Teach Business English. England: Pearson Education Limited. Gilling, Desmond. (2013). The Essential Handbook for Business Writing (Revised edition). Canada: Greenlink Consulting. Hourani, T. Mohammed. (2008). An Analysis of the Common Grammatical Errors in the English Essay Writing Made by 3rd Secondary Male Students in the Eastern Coast of the UAE. A Dissertation. Institute of Education, British University in Dubai. Johan, Rita. (2014). Business English. Jakarta: Grasindo. Kellogg, Ronald. (2008). Training Writing Skills: A Cognitive Developmental Perspective. Journal of Writing Research, 1(1). McCutchen, Deborah. (2011). From Novice to Expert: Implication of Language Skills and Writing-Relevant Knowledge for Memory during the Development of Writing Skill. Journal of Writing Research, 3(1). Mendoza, Pilar. (2008). Socialization to the Academic Culture: A Framework of Inquiry. Revista de Estudios Sociales 31(2008) 104-117. Ngangbam, Hemabati. (2016). An Analysis of Syntactic Errors Committed by Students of English Language Class in the Written Composition of Mutah University: A Case Study. European Journal of English Language 3(1). Ramadan, Saleh. (2015). Morphological Errors Made by Jordanian University Students. Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics 14 (2015). Song, Lichao. (2012). On the Variability of Interlanguage. Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2(4). Syaripah, Nur. (2014). The Teaching of English for Medical Purposes, A Case Study at Mona Midwifery Academy Banda Aceh. Thesis. Graduate Program in English Education of Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh. Sycandone, Nokthavivanh. (2016). Comparative Error Analysis in English Writing by First, Second, and Third Year Students of English Department of Faculty of Education at Champasack University. Postgraduate Thesis. Muhammadiyah University Surakarta. Williams, James & Takaku, Seiji. (2011). Help Seeking, Self-Efficacy, and Writing Performance among College Students. Journal of Writing Research, 3(1).in_ID
dc.description.abstractThis study is conducted to identify the problems of error found in English business letter writing and to explain the factors that caused the problems. This study used qualitative method. The data were collected from the English business letter written by third semester of Bina Bangsa Economics students majoring in Management and Accounting. The students were asked to respond a complaint letter from a customer of the given situation. The error category is based on Ferris and Hedgcock model (2005). The researcher identified the problems of error found in the letters and explained the factors that caused the problems to draw the conclusion. The result shows that there are four classifications of error: morphological, lexical, syntactic, and mechanical error. These four classification of errors are divided into eight types: verb, noun, article, word choice, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Word choice error was the highest frequency of error type (20.3%) followed by sentence structure error (18.3%), verb error (12.1%), punctuation error (11.3%), noun error (9.7%), spelling error (9.5%). Meanwhile, article and capitalization error shared the same percentage (9.4%). There were three major factors that caused the errors: language transfer, overgeneralization, and context of learning.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjecterror typesin_ID
dc.subjectfactors of errorin_ID
dc.subjectbusiness letterin_ID
dc.titleProblems in Writing English Business Letter: Errors and Factorsin_ID

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