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dc.contributor.authorLaili, Muawwinatul
dc.identifier.citationAlfitri, & Hambali. 2013. Integration of National Character Education and Social Conflict Resolution through Traditional Culture: A Case Study in South Sumatera Indonesia. Asian Social Science Journal Vol.9, No. 12. Barkaoui, Khaled. 2007. Teaching Writing to Second Language Learners: Insights from Theory and Research. TESL Report 40. 1, 35-48. Blake, D. And Hanley, V. 1995. Dictionary of Educational Terms. Aldershot: Arena. Buzan. 2011. Mind Mapping. Retrieved on 9 April 2015 from mind-mapping/ Cambridge Assessment. 2013. What is Literacy? An Investigation Into Definition of English as a Subject and the Relationship between English Literacy and ‘being literate’. Djuita, Fiirda. 2015. Character Building with Literature through Mind Mapping. A Paper presented at ECKLL III International Seminar. Surabaya: Faculty of Letters Dr. Soetomo University. Fotheringham, John. 2015. The Power of Mind Mapping in Language Learning. Retrieved on April 2015 from Kern, Richard. 2002. Reconciling the Language-Literature Split through Literacy. ADFL Bulletin 33, No. 3, 20-24. Li, M., Yang, Y. & Chen, H. 2010. Using Mind Maps as a Strategy for Vocabulary Acquisition in Chinese University. In Computational Intellegence and Software Engineering (CiSE): International Conference. IEEE. Lickona, T. 1996. Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education. Journal of Moral Education, 25 (1). Retrieved on 9 April 2015 from Pua, Carol. 2015. Using Mind-Mapping as a Tool to teach English Vocabulary for the Elementary Students. Bulletin of Chinese. Williams, J. D. 2003. Preparing to Teach Writing: Research, Theory, and Practice (3rd ed..) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThe need of English Literacy today increases sharply particularly in the time when Indonesia is preparing to face AEC 2018 (ASEAN Economic Community) or MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN). For English teachers, introducing English literacy in writing class is not always easy as they need to find interesting methods. It is commonly believed that English language teaching is often accompanied by introducing foreign cultural values that are not always appropiate with that of Indonesian . In line with the national education goals, it seems that the possible way of promoting character building is by integrating local wisdom in Foreign language teaching. The aim of character building is to build the students character which can be supported by the local wisdom. An example of local wisdom that is discussed in this paper is ‘Nyadran’ ceremony. Nowadays, most students are not interested in local wisdom. To atttract their interest in learning character through local wisdom is probably by applying mind mapping as the media. Mind Mapping can be an attractive method for writing class. In this case, the teacher can start discussing the example of local wisdom in a reading text then assigns the students to work in small group to prepare mind mapping. The second step is assigning them to present their mind mapping. Next, they write a descriptive essay based on their mind mapping. The result show that they can write the points which are related to character building in their essay and develop their English literacy ability using local wisdom.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.subjectEnglish literacyin_ID
dc.subjectmind mappingin_ID
dc.subjectcharacter buildingin_ID
dc.subjectlocal wisdomin_ID
dc.titleFostering English Literacy Development In Writing Class Through Mind Mapping Integrated With Character Building and Local Wisdomin_ID

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