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dc.contributor.authorKulap, Mursalat
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dc.description.abstractThis paper aims to outline the efforts to develop the cultural literacy of local history (the ability to understand the local history) Gorontalo students through learning materials “Nani Wartabone and January 23, 1942 Events In Gorontalo”. Literacy ability of local history referred to in this article is the ability of the students to understand the history of Gorontalo. Literacy which will be outlined is in the informational level (how to access the knowledge) and epistemic level (transforming knowledge), no longer at the performative level (read write ability) and functional level (language skills). Through the learning materials about Nani Wartabone (national hero) and events January 23, 1942 events, students are expected to be aware of local history, especially related to events which are so patriotic and nationalist happening in Gorontalo. Thus, the existence of learning materials about “Nani Wartabone and events January 23, 1942 in Gorontalo” is one of the efforts to improve the student historical literacy in the region of Gorontalo.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.subjectCultural Literacyin_ID
dc.subjectLocal Historyin_ID
dc.subjectNani Wartabonein_ID
dc.titleDeveloping The Cultural Literacy of Local History of Gorontalo Students Through The Learning Materials “Nani Wartabone And January 23, 1942 Events in Gorontalo”in_ID

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