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dc.contributor.authorRoziaty, Efri
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dc.description.abstractThe aim of the study was to determine the structure and composition of vegetation, especially for understory vegetation namely seedlings and saplings in the KGPAA Mangkunegoro I Forest Park area (or Taman Hutan Raya/Tahura) in Ngargoyoso Karanganyar Central Java. KGPAA Mangkunegoro I Forest Park located in the village of Sukuh Berjo Ngargoyoso Karanganyar District of Central Java. The research used quadratic method for taking the sample. The location is about 1200 above sea level (asl) consists of flora and fauna which the diversity still high. The objectives of this research are to determine species composition, structure and diversity index species of saplings and seedlings vegetation. The data were then analyzed manually. Results showed that 19 species belonging 15 families for seedlings and 10 species belonging 8 families for sapling vegetation. Results of Important Value Index (IVI) of saplings vegetation are Elaeocarpus serratus Roxb (110.42 %); Schima wallichii (DC.) Korth (70.19 %) and Pinus merkusii L. (31.38%). The IVI for seedlings vegetation are Penisetum purpureum (53.4 %);Melastoma sp (17.4 %) and Chloris barbata (13.4 %). Based on the data, it is suggested that the mountain should be conserved and long-term ecological research should be conducted.in_ID
dc.publisherFaculty of Mathematics and Science Yogyakarta State Universityin_ID
dc.subjectAnalysis of vegetationin_ID
dc.subjectTahura Ngargoyosoin_ID
dc.subjectseedlings and saplingsin_ID
dc.subjectImportant Value Indexin_ID
dc.titleVegetation Analysis of Understory Level in Forest Park Area of KGPAA Mangkunegoro I Ngargoyoso Karangaanyar Central Javain_ID

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