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dc.description.abstractEnglish language teaching in Indonesia has been focused on the teaching of reading comprehension, including in Faculty of Economy and Business at University of Muhammadiyah Magelang. This is as the consequences of having broader opportunities for the students to have more written exposures of the target language. Students are expected to have not only good reading comprehension but also the critical thinking skills which enable them to compete in the modern and digitalized era. Various efforts and aspects have been considered including the assessment of the students’ reading. Lecturers have hundreds of methods in assessing their students’ reading comprehension from the traditional ones into the modern ones. Dealing with the current situation of TEFL in Indonesia, digital media are supposed to be mastered by not only the students but also the teachers. For higher level students, digital media are their parts of life since they always make benefits from those media. Many have found that the use of the media can provide positive impacts on the success of language assessment. On the contrary, the free use of the digital media also requires the teachers to wisely apply the media in their assessment. This paper presents the opportunities and challenges of the application of the digital media in the assessment of reading comprehension especially for university students. This study was done in a private university in Magelang regency, University of Muhammadiyah Magelang, through the use of case study. The findings of this study are in terms of the positive impacts and the challenges of the use of digital media in reading comprehension assessment.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.subjectreading comprehensionin_ID
dc.subjectdigital mediain_ID
dc.titleAssessing Reading Comprehension Through The Use Of Digital Media (A Case Study In Faculty Of Economics And Business, University Of Muhammadiyah Magelang)in_ID

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