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dc.contributor.authorDewi, Rohmatul Fitriyah
dc.contributor.authorTlonaen, Zuvyati A.
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dc.description.abstractThis paper set out to examine a sample of study of the relation between home literacy and school literacy experienced by the children in seven years old as the participant in this research. The research was conducted in Bluluk, Lamongan. The study employed qualitative approach. The data were collected by naturally observing the child’s literacy activities. In addition, interviewing the parents and teacher was also conducted to gain more relevant information in terms of home and school literacy development. Bourdieu’s theory of habitus was applied to find out parent’s role in shaping naturally children’s habitus at home to school. The data analyzed showed that participant parents, regardless their educational background, purposed to achieve children’s successful in formal and religious contexts. In this case, reading and writing practices, pop culture as the supporting materials of the secondary practices ehereas religious practices were set as home literacy activities. Children literacy and competence can’t develop well without the involvement of par- ents’ role as their caregiver at home. Thus, parent’s role in developing children literacy at home has impact on child achievement at school.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.subjectparents’ rolein_ID
dc.subjecthome and school literacyin_ID
dc.titleThe Involvement of Parents Role and Habitus Toward Children Literacyin_ID

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