What Javanese People Do When They Are in Ego Depletion State?
The results before (American research), conducted by Baumeister and Heatherton (1996) showed that when individuals depleted then more destructive. More specific, the behaviors are less normative. The purpose of this study was to determine how adult people, with background Javanese culture (which is different from the norms of Western culture) in expressing themselves when they are depleted. The study involved six informants experienced fatigue caused by the emergence of externally problems in long term. Data retrieved by using in-depth interviews. Before analyzed, researcher did data triangulation by checking the consistency of the answers, discussion with colleagues and informants. Furthermore, data is proceed in a phenomenological analysis, in order to obtain specific themes. The findings showed that the conditions of impulsive verbal appear on informants, while the impulsive behavior also appear but not shown in front of people who stimulate and did not lead to be a destructive action. In these conditions "self-restraint" in principle "munggah-mudhunke rasa" is used all of informants to control themselves.