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dc.description.abstract | The progress of the domestic economy brings a positive impact to the company. Economic conditions like this make the company's financial performance in a certain period can not be predicted. The company's financial performance can be measured using Profitability Ratio and Economic Value Added (EVA). The existence of these two methods, will show the company's ability to gain profit over a certain period and whether the company creates value or not. The purpose of this study is to measure and know better where the financial performance using profitability ratio analysis, especially on Retrun On Equity (ROE) with EVA. The research used is comparative research, that is comparative research. The object of research is PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. Period 2014-2016. The results of the study explain that the results of the company's financial performance measured using ROE can be quite good. While the results of the EVA method obtained a positive result, which means that the company has managed to create economic value-added. The result of comparison between ROE and EVA shows that EVA method in company performance calculation is more accurate than Profitability Ratio method, especially ROE because EVA method is calculated by company's equity cost. | in_ID |