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dc.contributor.authorCahyaningrum, Dewi
dc.contributor.authorZainnuri, Hasan
dc.identifier.citationKessler, Carolyn. (1992). Cooperative Language Learning- A Teachers’ Resource Book. UK: Prentice Hall Inc. Harmer, J. (2004). Research on peer review Journal of Second Language Writing. UK: Harlow, Essex. Hyland, K. & Hyland, F. (2006). Contexts and issues in feedback on L2 writing: An introduction. In K. Hyland & F. Hyland. Feedback in second language writing: Context and issues (pp. 1-19), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Moffett, J. (1983). Assessment and Evaluation. Clearinghouse Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Ciudad Universitaria, Departmento de Lenguas extranjeras. O’Muircheartaigh, S. (1990). Given Feedback on Students’ Written Work. ELTJ ,44, 1-12. Raimes, A. (1993). Out of the woods: Emerging traditions in the teaching of writing. TESOL Quarterly, 25, 407- 430. Sengupta, S. (2000). An investigation into the effects of revision strategy instruction on L2 secondary school learners. System, 28(1), 97- 113. Yugandhar, K. (2015). Practicing Teacher Organized Peer Review to Advance EFL Students’ Writing Skills. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL), Volume 3, PP 25-29.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThis article explores how peer review influences students during writing process. Peer review is considered as an important tool to enhance students’ better understanding of the writing process and to encourage students’ more confidence in analyzing their own writing as writers and others as reviewers. Peer review promotes students to work collaboratively in groups to become better writers. Through peer review activities, students will have more opportunities to ask for clarification, point out discursive gaps, find errors, and provide suggestions and critics for others to make better writing as in the same time they also develop skills needed to critically read and revise their own work. This case study underlies the strength of online instruction for learning. The writer incorporates peer review with WhatsApp, an instant messaging application for smartphones becoming a more frequent component in universities. In general, this paper reports the result of a case study research mainly talking about (1) the idea of accommodating Online Peer Review to build students’ writing skills by fostering them to be critical learners, (2) practical Online models of Peer Review to teach writing for intermediate students completed with its challenges.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.subjectwriting skillin_ID
dc.subjectonline peer reviewin_ID
dc.subjectintermediate studentsin_ID
dc.titleOptimizing The Strength Of Online Peer Review to Teach Writing Skill For Intermediate Studentsin_ID

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