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dc.contributor.authorSasongko, Noer
dc.contributor.authorPutri, Eskasari
dc.identifier.citationGhozali, Imam. 2011, “Aplikasi Analisis Multivariat dengan Program IBM SPSS 19”, Semarang: BP Universitas Diponegaro I Ketut Astawa. 2009.Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Dan Kepuasan Pada Niat Beli Ulang Pelanggan Di Hotel Kuta Beach. jurnal sarathi Vol.16 No.2, hal. 289. Kotler, Philip and Kevin Lane Keller. 2012. Marketing Management. New Jersey: Pearson Education Limited Kotler, Philip and Garry Amstrong. 2012. Principles of Marketing. New Jersey: Pearson Education Limited Kuncoro, Mudrajad. 2004, “Metode Kuantitatif: Teori dan Aplikasi Untuk Bisnis dan ekonomi”, Yogyakarta: Unit Penerbit dan Percetakan YKPN. Malhotra, Naresh K. 2009. Riset Pemasaran. Jakarta: PT Macanan Jaya Cemerlang Mullin, John W, Orville C Walker. 2005. Marketing Management A Strategic Decision, fifth edition, New York: McGraw Hill. Sekaran, Uma; Roger Bougie. 2010, “Research Methods for Business A Skill Building Approach”. Great Britain: Scotprint. Sylvana. 2006. Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan kepuasan Mahasiswa Terhadap Intensi Meregistrasi Ulang Mahasiswa Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Terbuka. Jakarta: Jurnal Organisasi dan Manajemen, Vol.2 Tjiptono, Fandy dan Chandra, Gregorious dan Adriana, Dedi. 2008. Pemasaran Strategic, Yogyakarta: Andi Offset Wijanto, Setyo Hari. 2008. Structural Equation Modelling dengan Lisrel 8.8. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmuin_ID
dc.description.abstractService Quality that becomes benchmark in this research is conducted by Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta in fulfilling customer requirement that is student in terms of service of administration and facility. While the employee performance is the result of the work of both the lecturer and the education personnel assessed by the students with indicators of effectiveness and efficiency, responsibility for work, discipline, and kemmapuan in solving problems. Subsequent customer satisfaction in this study will be referred to as student satisfaction is the satisfaction felt by students as users / users of services at Muhammadiyah Univeristy Surakarta. Employee performance, customer satisfaction influences both simultaneously and partially to customer satisfaction. Variation of customer satisfaction variable can be explained by service quality variable and employee performance equal to 52%. As for 48% explained by other variables of this study.in_ID
dc.publisherMuhammadiyah University Pressin_ID
dc.subjectQuality of servicein_ID
dc.subjectemployee performancein_ID
dc.subjectcustomer satisfactionin_ID
dc.titlePengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Kinerja Karyawan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan (Studi pada Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta)in_ID

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