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dc.contributor.authorWidiarti, Tri Rini
dc.identifier.citationArsyad, A. 2002. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Raja Gravindo Persada Beck, Clive & Kosnik, Clare. 2006. Innovations in Teacher Education. New York: State University of New York Press. Budi. 2002. Teori dan Proses Kebijakan Publik. Yogyakarta: Media. Gall, M. D., et al., 2003. Educational research: An Introduction (Seventh Edition). New York: Longman. Hutchinson, T. & Waters, A. 1987. English for Specific Purposes: A learning-centred approach. Australia: Cambridge University Press. Leny. 2006. Teaching Vocabulary through Pictures to the Kindergarten Students; Sebuah Penelitian. Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah. TURES+TO+THE+KINDERGARTEN+STUDENTS.pdf. (diakses pada 28 November 2016) Miftah, M. 2006. Pengembangan Media Gambar Berbasis Komputer dalam Pembelajaraan Kosakata Bahasa Arab untuk Siswa MAN Kelas X: A research finding in Jurnal Penelitian UNY Nomor VIII. Purwanto, M. N. 2000. Prinsip-Prinsip dan Teknik Evaluasi Pengajaran. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya Tomlinson, Brian. 1998. Materials Development in Language Teaching. Australia: Cambridge University Press.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThis article attempts to present the alternative technique supporting the student’s ability at speaking English. This technique proposes the use of peer assistance in order to make the program interesting and attracting. The program is called PALP which stands for Peer AssistedLearning Program. This article illustrates how this program is conducted and how the materialis developed. In the aspect of the program, it deals with how an individual performs and how peergroup interact, also the role of the mentors of the groups in PALP. Meanwhile, in the aspect ofthe material provided for this program, it presents the topics of the group developed.in_ID
dc.publisherProsiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Berkemajuan dan Menggembirakan (The Progressive & Fun Education Seminar) ke -2in_ID
dc.titlePengembangan Bahan Ajar Peer Assisted Learning Program (PALP) Untuk Mahasiswa PBI Universitas Ahmad Dahlanin_ID

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