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dc.contributor.authorMZ, Zainuddin
dc.identifier.citationAbdullah, M. Amin. 1996. Studi Agama: Normativitas atau Historisitas, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Abu Zahwu, Muhammad Muhammad. t.t. al-Hadîth wa al-Muhaddithun, Beirut; Dar al-Kitab al-’Araby. al-Qardawy, Yusuf. 1996. .Al-Sunnah Masdar li al-Ma’rifah wa al-Hadharah. Beirut: Dar al-Ihya’ al-Turath al-Arabiy. al-Qurtuby. 1980. al-Jami’ li Ahkam Al-Qur’ân, Kairo: Dar al-Kutub al-Misriyyah al-Shaukany, Muhammad ibn ‘Ali. 1973. Fath al-Qadir, Beirut: Dar al-Fikr. ‘Asqalany, Ibn Hajar t.t . al-Fath al-Bariy, Beirut: Dar al-Fikr. Bukhariy, Muhammad ibn Ismail. t.t. al-. Shahih al-Bukhariy. Beirut: Dar al- Fikr. Butiy, Muhammad Sa’id Ramadan.1980. al- Fiqh al-Sirah, Beirut: Dar al-Fikr. Hodgson, Marshal G.S. 1994. The Venture of Islam, (Kontekstualisasi Doktrin Islam dalam Sejarah), Jakarta: Paramadina. Isma’il ibn Kathir. t.t. Tafslr Al-Qur’ân al-’Azim. Singapura: Sulaiman Mar’i. Shaltut, Mahmud. 1966. al-Islam wa al-Aqidahwa al-Shari’ah, Kairo: Dar al- Qalam. Shihab, M. Quraish. 1996. Studi Kritis atas Sunnali Nabi antara Pemahaman Tekstual dan Kontekstual, Bandung: Mizan.en_US
dc.description.abstractIt is important to know the behavior of the prophet Muhammad, as often happens is that a way-off procedures hadîth the meaning. Often the prophet Muhammad, are not visible from various sides, other than the side that he was a messenger who has been working on, say, and define things, so most hadîthnya dimaknai as Personality ‘or religion, or the Sunnah mandub. In fact he was not aimed at forming tashri ‘. Many Sunnah, which is actually only the nature, behavior, action, humanity and experience only. Besides, it is also often found understanding that interprets hadîthhadîth nuance imamah or qada ‘tashri as’ general. From this understanding, such as, confusion arises and overlapping law understanding of the direction. But on the other hadîth understand that there are contextual by placing the prophet Muhammad, as historical beings who always faced with a choice of governance that is pluralistic values.en_US
dc.subjectWahyu Ilâhîen_US
dc.subjectIjtihad Nabien_US

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