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dc.description.abstract | This study will focus on the Islamic culture development in Indonesia and Malay
nations in general. By seeing the history data, can be found that there were relation
between Islam and Malay culture, so from the language problem, tradition up to the
culture system, Malay could not be separated from Islam.
In Indonesian context, as can be separated part from Malay Nations, the relation
of Islam with the Indonesian development was very tight. Though there was dynamic
and debating fiercely among the nation founders, about the foundation of the nation,
but most of all agreed that Indonesia could not be released from the Islamic world
view. However, when there was general tendency of politician that wanted to release
this nation from Islamic morality foundation, so the general condition of this nation
becoming worse and weaker.
For that, the writer concluded in order that Indonesia did not fall down to be
bad nation, the morality foundation and Islamic constitution needed to be lived and
strengthen in Indonesian politic. Of course it needs strong and never ended struggling.
It is better to take the example of Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi who won the Salib war
respectively and still gave appreciation to the nation’s elements. | en_US |