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dc.contributor.authorTago, Mahli Zainuddin
dc.identifier.citationAntara News, 21/12/07 20:21. Azyumardi Azra “Neo Sufisme dan Masa Depannya” dalam M. Wahyuni Nafis (ed.), Rekonstruksi dan Renungan Religius Islam, Jakarta: Paramadina, 1996. A. Rasyid Yakin, 1986 BARBARA HARGROVE, JEAN MILLER SCHMIDT, SHEILA GREEVE DAVANEY, Religion and the Changing Role of Women (The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 480, No. 1, 117- 131 (1985)DOI: 10.1177/0002716285480001010 © 1985 American Academy of Political & Social Science) Bowen, John R, 2000. Consensus and suspicion: Judicial reasoning and social change in an Indonesian society 1960-1994 BPS, Kerinci Dalam Angka Tahun 2005. PROFETIKA, Jurnal Studi Islam, Vol. 9, No. 2, Juli 2007: 158-176 174 BPS, Kecamatan Batang Merangin Dalam Angka Tahun 2005. David A. Smilde, “Letting God govern”: supernatural agency in the Venezuelan Pentecostal approach to social change. FindArticles > Sociology of Religion > Fall, 1998 > Article > Print friendly. Detlef Pollack, “The change in religion and church in Eastern Germany after 1989: a research note.” FindArticles > Sociology of Religion > Fall, 2002 > Article > Print friendly Galina M. Yemelianova, Kinship, ethnicity and religion in post-Communist societies Russia’s autonomous republic of Kabardino-Balkariya. Ethnicities, Vol. 5, No. 1, 51-82 (2005) DOI: 10.1177/1468796805049926 © 2005 SAGE Publications Goldthorpe, J.E., Sosiologi Dunia Ketiga Kesenjangan dan Pembangunan, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1992. Gusti Asnan, Memikir Ulang Regionalisme Sumatera Barat Tahun 1950-an, Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2007. Haedar Nashir, Islam Syariat Reproduksi Salafi Ideologis, Jakarta PSAP, 2007. Hamka, Ayahku, Jakarta: Umminda, 1982, hal. 168. Ian Robertson, Sociology, New York: Warth Publications, 1983. Jill E. Fuller dan Burke D. Grandjean, Economy and Religion in the Neolithic Revolution: Material Surplus and the Proto-Religious Ethic, Cross- Cultural Research, Vol. 35 No. 4, November 2001 370-399 © 2001 Sage Publications © 2001 SAGE Publications. Downloaded from http:// by mahli zainuddin on November 20, 2007 . Kessler, Christl. “Responses to Rapid Social Change: Populist Religion in the Philippines.” FindArticles > Pacific Affairs > Spring 2006 > Article > Print friendly. Kompas, 08 Mei 2006. Liza Parlina, Dukun Pengobatan di Kecamatan Batang Merangin Kerinci, skripsi pada Jurusan Perbandingan Agama UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2005. Syari’at Melemah Mistik-Magis Menguat ... (Mahli Zainuddin Tago) 175 Martin van Bruinessen, Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah di Indonesia, Bandung: Mizan, 1992. Pinar Ilkkaracan, 2002. Women, sexuality, and social change in the Middle East and the Maghreb. Raymond L.M. Lee, 1994. The state and new religious movements in Malaysia. Roger Sansi Roca, ‘ Dinheiro Vivo’ Money and Religion in Brazil (Article Vol 27(3) 319–339 [DOI:10.1177/0308275X07080360] Copyright 2007 © SAGE Publications (London, Los Angeles, New Delhi and Singapore) © 2007 SAGE Publications. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. Downloaded from http:/ / by mahli zainuddin on November 27, 2007) Sabrina P. Ramet , Nihil Obstat: Religion, Politics, and Social Change in East- Central Europe and Russia, By. Duke University Press. Book Review by Thomas Albert Howard, FindArticles > Christian Century > Jan 20, 1999 > Article > Print friendly. Tony Watling, 2002. ‘Leadership’ or ‘dialogue’? Women, authority and religious change in a Netherlands community Vincent J. H. Houben, Southeast Asia and Islam © 2003 American Academy of Political & Social Science. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. Downloaded from http:// by mahli zainuddin on November 28, 2007 Y. Aumeeruddy, “Pelak di Kerinci” dalam Agroforest Khas Indonesia, Rabu, 20-09-06, 14:37:00 WIB. WAWANCARA: Daniel Saadillah, Ketua Muhammadiyah Jambi, April 2007. Bustanuddin, tokoh masyarakat Pulau Sangkar di Jambi, 30 Jan 2007 Sastra Lima, pemuda Pulau Sangkar, 01-08-07 PROFETIKA, Jurnal Studi Islam, Vol. 9, No. 2, Juli 2007: 158-176 176 Bachrum Jamil, Ulama dan Ketua Muhammadiyah Kerinci, 19-08-07. Madin Nyato, tokoh adat Pulau Sangkar, Januari 2005. Mashuri, pemuda Pulau Sangkar di Jambi, Januari 2007. Paruk Abbas, tokoh masyarakat Pulau Sangkar, April, 2005. Syafwan Ibrahim, pemuda Pualu Sangkar yang sudah 15 tahun tinggal di Batam, 29 September 2004 Idris Jakfar, Prof., tokoh masyarakat Pulau Sangkar di Jambi, 01 Feb 2007 Mirza Yahya, tokoh masyarakat Pulau Sangkar di Sungai Penuh, Maret 2006 Jafni Nawawi, akademikus asal Orang Pulau Sangkar di Jambi, 29 Jan 2007. Yusniar, perantau asal Padangdi Pulau Sangkar, April 2004.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe paper demonstrate economic decline in Kerinci Hilir since early 1990 until now. This decline impacted on all social ascepct, included religious behavior. Actually first current of Islam entered this region is mysticism. This current accommodated magical practice that dominant before. In the third decade of 19-rd century modernist movement enter this region as the effect of economic prosperous. This movement faded the mysticism and the magic under the hegemony of the sharia during five decades later. On 1990s economic decline happened in Kerinci Hilir. Together with urbanization and decrease of local ulama, the decline faded the sharia and sturded the magic in Kerinci Hilir. Why economic decline occur, how the magical practices are defined by the Moslem community: what are the equal and the different of magical practice now and 50 years ago in Kerinci Hilir, are same interested next question.en_US
dc.subjectIslam Syari’at,en_US
dc.subjectkemunduran ekonomi,en_US
dc.subjectIslam mistik-magisen_US
dc.titleSYARI’AT MELEMAH MISTIK-MAGIS MENGUAT Kerinci Hilir, 1980-2005en_US

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