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dc.description.abstract | This study aims to identify the formation of chili commodity prices and
analyze the availability of supplies and other factors that may exist that affect
fluctuations in the price of chili. The sample of this research consists of 7 regencies
and cities, Surakarta, Sragen, Sukoharjo, Wonogiri, Karanganyar, Klaten, and
Boyolali. Respondents are 126 people, consisting of farmers, collectors, wholesalers,
small traders and end consumers. Analysis using Producer Production, Margin, and
Margin Profit Ratio (RPM) Price correlation analysis. Analysis of price
transmission elasticity, Market Degrees Concentration Analysis. Results
Determination of pepper commodity prices is determined by wholesalers. Based on
the analysis of the share of producers shows that the average market share is very
good in terms of chili farmers. The highest profit margin ratio is at the Trainer level
of 1.58, then the farmer's level is 1.23, while at the wholesale and small traders level,
the profit ratio is only 0.07 for small traders and 0.03 for wholesalers. Meanwhile,
policy measures related to price stabilization are: Stabilization of existing
production management so that planning and realization are more accurate;
Partnership with industry, to provide price guarantees (anticipate declining prices).
Promotion of processed chili consumption (sauce, ground pepper); Open import, in
case of supply shortage. | id_ID |