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dc.description.abstract | The existence of corruption behaviour in Indonesia seems to be a thing that can be understandable, people
often let it be over the small things that deviate toward the corruption behaviour. Education is a powerful
tool to minimize corruption behaviour, anti-corruption lessons can be inserted in some subjects, especially
Civic Education in elementary school. Learning process that has been done in the classroom is a more
theoretically lesson, by using a traditional game of gobak sodor, many values can be taken from the game.
In addition, nowadays, the developed technology reduces traditional games that should be played by
children than playing gadgets which actually makes them tend to be an antisocial. This study aims to see
what anti-corruption values that are contained in a traditional game of gobak sodor. This research method
used literature study taken from literations and researches that have been done. Learning of anti-corruption
values through traditional games produced more enjoyable learning because learning by playing, students
could also find anti-corruption values in the game, such as honesty, caring, cooperation, courage, and
leadership. | id_ID |