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dc.contributor.authorNuryadi, Achmad
dc.contributor.authorRohmah, Nur
dc.contributor.authorSugandi, Eko
dc.contributor.authorLia Prayitno, Lydia
dc.identifier.citationAmstrong, T. (2009). Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom (3rd ed.). Beauregard St. Alexandria: ASDC. Bisbal, J., & Roldan, K. (2010). Official Basketball Rules 2010. October. Bryson, J. E., Burke, Y. B., Defrantz, A. L., Kindel, M., Larkin, T. E., Payden, J. A., … Emeritus, C. (2009). Coaches Manual, (August). Djoko, W. A., & Anies, L. (2017). Kompendium PAUD Memahami PAUD Secara Singkat. (S. Eko, Ed.) (1st ed.). Jakarta: Prenadamedia Grup. Eric, J. (2007). brain based learning the new science of teaching and learning (revised ed). California: Sage. John, S. (2007). Perkembangan Anak. (H. Wibi, Ed.) (12th ed.). Jakarta: Erlangga. K., A., & Lynn, M. (2010). Profil Perkembangan Anak PraKelahiran hingga Usia 12 Tahun. (D. Febrianti, Ed.) (5th ed.). Jakarta: Indeks. Lightfoot, C., Cole, M., & Cole, S. R. (2013). Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood. The Development of Children, 271–302. Listyowati Anies. (2017). Mengembangkan Ragam Kemampuan Anak. (Q. T. Meity, Ed.) (1st ed.). Jakarta: Direktorat Pembinaan Pendidikan Keluarga Dirjen PAUD dan Dikmas Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Retrieved from sahabatkeluarga. Mini-basketball rules 2005. (2005).id_ID
dc.description.abstractMini basket provide children with all the skills they have to have rich experience and quality so they can play with enthusiasm (FIBA, 2005). The purpose this article to identify the intelligence of early childhood through mini basket game which is useful in daily life situation. This article was a literature study to identify the intelligence that emerged from mini basket. We can identify based on rules mini basket based on FIBA (2005) and theory about multiple intelligence based on Howard Gardner (1993). The results of this study indicate that rules in mini basket games can bring up eight intelligences as revealed by Gardner (1993), that is interpersonal, intrapersonal, kinesthetic, linguistic, mathematical, musical, naturalist, and spatial intelligence. This intelligence is important to be mastered by children from an early age because this is useful for their life tomorrow.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.subjectmini basketid_ID
dc.subjectearly childhoodid_ID
dc.titleMini Basket to Stimulate Multiple Intelligence in Early Childhoodid_ID

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