Hubungan antara Lama Pemberian ASI Eksklusif dengan Awal Menstruasi pada Ibu Menyusui
Awareness of parents, especially mothers for exclusive breastfeeding was still low. Breastfeeding benefits for mothers and babies. Breastfeeding can prevent ovulation so used as a method of contraception. Based on the above background, the author is interested in conducting research with the aim to investigate the relationship between duration of exclusive breastfeeding with early menstruation in lactating mothers. This was an observational research with cross sectional analytic, conducted in posyandu-existing posyandu dikecamatan Jebres Surakarta, on 18 January -11 February 2004. The primary data drawn from interviews and direct measurement of the respondents are guided by questionnaires. Samples taken by purposive sampling, obtained 60 samples. Statistical test used is the Pearson product moment correlation using the formula calculation manually. From this study, a correlation coefficient of r count (0.257)> r table 0.05 (0.254) or p <0.05. Hence Ho is refused and H1 accepted. Then the conclusions of this study is that there is a significant relationship between duration of exclusive breastfeeding with early menstruation in lactating mothers.