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dc.contributor.authorKhodijah, Syarifatun
dc.contributor.authorTriyanto, T
dc.contributor.authorSuharno, S
dc.identifier.citationAndayani. 2014. Pendekatan Saintifik & Metodologi Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Surakarta: Yuma Pustaka. Arifin, Zainal. 2011. Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya. Aw, Suranto. 2011. Komunikasi Interpersonal. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. Darmadi. 2017. Pengembangan Model dan Metode Pembelajaran dalam Dinamika Belajar Siswa. Yogyakarta: Deepublish. DeVito, Joseph A. 2001. The Interpersonal Communication Book. New York: Hunter Collage of the City University of New York. Indrawati. 2011. Perencanaan Pembelajaran Fisika: Model-Model Pembelajaran. Jember: Universitas Jember. Lefudin. 2017. Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Yogyakarta: Deepublish. Liliweri, Alo. 2015. Komunikasi antar Personal. Jakarta: Kencana Prenadamedia Group. Miles, Matthew B. dan A. Michael Huberman. 1994. Qualitative Data Analysis. New Dehli: Sage. Munawaroh, Nenden. 2015. The Influence of Interpersonal Communication on The Effectiveness of Learning Process in Improving The Outcome of Islamic Education Subject. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, no. 4, vol. 3, 142-145. Ningsih, Alfi Kurnia, Annisaa Fitrah Umara, Ernawati, Dan Ismiyah. 2010. Gambaran Komunikasi Anak Usia Sekolah di Tingkat Sekolah Dasar. Depok: Universitas Indonesia. Rusman. 2017. Belajar dan Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan. Jakarta: Kencana. Singh, Amit Kumar dan Lairopuii. (2014). Role of Interpersonal Communication in Organizational Effectiveness. International Journal of Research in Management & Business Studies (IJRMBS), no. 1, vol. 4, 36- 39. Suyanto dan Jihad, Asep. 2013. Menjadi Guru Profesional. Jakarta: Erlangga. Wood, Julia T. 2013. Komunikasi Interpersonal: Interaksi Keseharian. Jakarta Selatan: Salemba Humanika.id_ID
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to describe the teachers’ and students’ needs of learning model to improve the fourthgrade students’ ability of interpersonal communication at primary schools in Ngrampal Sragen. The research method of this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques were interview, observation and document analysis. Interactive analysis model from Miles and Huberman was used as the analysis technique. The results of this research indicate that the need to improve the students’ ability of interpersonal communication is a practical learning model that is in line with the students’ characteristics, allows learners to conduct group discussions, learn actively, practice directly, ask and answer questions, and do peer tutoring.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.titleThe Analysis of The Teachers’ and Students’ Needs of The Learning Model to Improve The Fourth-Grade Students’ Ability of Interpersonal Communication at Primary Schools in Ngrampal Sragenid_ID

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