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dc.contributor.authorHandaka, Irvan Budhi
dc.identifier.citationKi Hadjar Dewantara. 1977. Karya Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Yogyakarta: Majelis Luhur Persatuan Tamansiswa Lickona, Thomas. 1992. Educating’ : for Character, How Our Schools Can Teach Respect and Responsibility. Bantam Books, New York Lickona, T., Schaps, E., & Lewis, C. (2003). CEP’s Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education. Washington, DC: Character Education Partnership. Safaria. 2005. Interpersonal Intelligence. Metode Pengembangan Kecerdasan Anak. Yogyakarta: Amara books. West, R. & H. L. Turner, Introducing Communication Theory; Analysis and Application. The McGrawHill Companies, Inc. 2012. Tadkiroatun Musfiroh. 2008. Pengembangan Karakter Anak Melalui Pendidikan Karakter. Dalam Character Building Umar Suwito dkk.2008. Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana Tim Penyusun Modul BKKBN. 2003. Teknik Advokasi. Modul Belajar Mandiri Bagi Widyaiswara. Jakarta: Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional. Pusat Pelatihan Pegawai dan Tenaga Programid_ID
dc.description.abstractCommunication information education is a model of interaction conducted through the process of information communication that educates for the strengthening of children’s character. Understanding the child’s behavior in development now requires communication skills that are easy to understand and make comfortable for the child. Family becomes very important kaitanya with children, because the family should be able to be a comfortable place and the family can be a friend for children. The family approach is a process that is done to develop a family’s ability to act and act on decisions based on information or knowledge to do something. Thus the communication model of educational information through the family approach as an effort to strengthen character education for children become things that must be implemented in education. Hopefully the character education strengthening program will run maximally and eliminate people’s worries about the loss of Indonesian character.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.titleCommunication Information Education Through Family Approach as A Character Education Education to Childrenid_ID

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