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dc.description.abstract | This research focuses on the children who have conflict with law. This research is aimed to know the
accomplishment of children right in education. As human, the prisoners must be treated well in a united
system without any exception. The right of education is one of the accomplishments that must be given.
Even though the children are in prison, their right must not be ignored. Therefore, the researcher wants to
know if their right has been given. This research observed the right accomplishment conducted by nongovernmental
institution of SahabatKapasthat focuses on children. Children right has been appropriate
with convention of children right. The activists of SahabatKapashave passion in the children world. There
are four fundamental rights as weapons to protect children right in any fields as following, (1) right of
living, (2) right of growing and developing, (3) right of getting protection, (4) right of participating. The
rights must not be separated. Through the program of “Buku Muter”, SahabatKapas tried to fulfill the
children right by reading book continuously. The approach of this research used law regulation that ruled
the children right and the role of NGO in society. This research used the method of qualitative descriptive
to know if this program ran as the purpose of NGO SahabatKapas. The result of the research shows that
the program of “Buku Muter” makes the children more interested in reading book and creating poems.
Their works were also published by SahabatKapasand JogloSemarmedia. By reading more, the children
in prison have better writing skill. It also emerges the reading enthusiasm by publishing their writing. In
conclusion, the accomplishment of children education right through “Buku Muter” can be conducted by
NGO SahabatKapastowards the children in prison of Kutoharjo. | id_ID |