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dc.contributor.authorAnggraini, Mardhiana
dc.contributor.authorSari, Astried Fatihah
dc.contributor.authorMustika, Viska Erma
dc.contributor.authorHadi, Bella Melidha
dc.contributor.authorWijayaningsihi, Ambarwati
dc.contributor.authorIstyawati, Ukhtina Duhi Anindita
dc.contributor.authorRahmatina, Zulfa
dc.contributor.authorHastut, Fitriana Dwi
dc.contributor.authorPutri, Nadea Rosy Atini
dc.contributor.authorPutri, Yusmi Dwi
dc.contributor.authorAsa, Istiqlal
dc.contributor.authorYuwono, Susatyo
dc.identifier.citationAdhtiya, Yuni. 2015. “Keluarga di Masyarakat Jawa dalam Perspektif Cultural STudies”. Skripsi. Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang Aprilia, Winda. 2013. “Resiliensi dan Dukungan Sosial pada Orangtua Tunggal (Studi Kasus pada Ibu Tunggal di Samarinda)” dalam jurnal eJournal Psikologi, vol.1, no.3 Arifin, Andi Agustan dan Ummah, Dewi Mufidatul. 2018. “Pengaruh Pola Asuh Orang Tua Tunggal dalam Keluarga terhadap Kedisiplinan Belajar Siswa” dalam jurnal Konseling Andi Matappa, vol.2. no.1 Aryaningrat, Putu S. D. dan Marheni, Adijanti. 2014. “Hubungan antara Intensitas Quality Time Ibu dan Anak dengan Asertivitas Remaja di Kecamatan Pupuan, Kabupaten Tabanan” dalam jurnal Psikologi Udayana, vol.1, no.3 Hasanah, Uswatun. 2016. “Psychological Well Being pada Single Parent Mother yang Ditinggal Suaminya Meninggal Dunia”. Skripsi. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Hidayati, Farida., Kaloeti, Dian V. S., dan Karyono. 2011. “Peran Ayah dalam Pengasuhan Anak” dalam jurnal Psikologi Undip, vol.9, no.1 Idrus, Muhammad. 2012. “Pendidikan Karakter pada Keluarga Jawa” dalam jurnal Pendidikan Karakter, vol.2, no.2 Retnowati, Yuni. 2008. “Pola Komunikasi Orang Tua Tunggal dalam Membentuk Kemandirian Anak (Kasus di Kota Yogyakarta)” dalam jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, vol.6, no.3 Sari, Triana Indriyana. 2015. “Hubungan Gaya Pengasuhan Orangtua Tipe Enabling dengan Kemandirian Anak” dalam jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, vol.6, no.2 Septiningsih dan Cahyanti. 2014. “Psychological Well Being Ayah Tunggal dengan Anak Penderita Cerebral Palsy” dalam jurnal Psikologi Klinis dan Kesehatan Mental, vol.3, no.1 Suwinita, I. G. A. M dan Marheni, Adijanti. 2015. “Perbedaan Kemandirian Remaja SMA antara yang Single Father dengan Single Mother Akibat Perceraian” dalam Jurnal Psikologi Udayana, vol.2, no.1 Usmarni, Lusi dan Rinaldi. 2014. “Perbedaan Keterlibatan Ayah dalam Pengasuhan Anak pada Etnis Minang yang Ditinjau dari Tingkat Pendapatan” dalam jurnal RAP UNP, vol.5, no.1id_ID
dc.description.abstractJavanese society in family life has unique characteristic those are the role of man as leader in a family and woman as the one who take care children and family. The role of widower that also took care of his children by himself was kind of different thing in the Javanese family order. This study aims to explore the model of parenting by single father in the Javanese. This research uses qualitative method with phenomenological approach. This researchs’ participants are 10 men who have a role as single father. Data is collected with interview. Data analysis use descriptive analysis. The result shows that: (1) The parenting methods that were done by single father include teaching values, response to childrens’ naughty, general response to children, collaboration between father and others who are asked to help in the nurturing, teaching, quality time, and communication with children; (2) Values that was father taught to children include religion values, selfvalues, job’s values, finances management values, values in interact with others, and values to father as single parent; (3) The parenting method was done by self, helped by big family, and helped by neighbor; (4) The result of the parenting include building characteristic, developing self-potential, religiosity, also the relation with parents, brother-sister, and other else. It can be concluded that father as single parent did his role as parents with keep taking care nurturing as well as seeking money for his children.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.titleSingle-Father Parenting in Javaneseid_ID

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