Stimulation of Children Speaking Ability By Employing “Karya Wisata” Method
The purpose of this research is to reveal the implementation of “Karyawisata” method in improving children
ability to speak. As we know that language is the key to communicate with the society. In this critical
period, at the kindergarten ages, children need to develop this skill in order to be able to interact with their
surrounding. In TK Aisyiyah I Gulon, Sukoharjo, Indonesia the speaking ability of children seem low. The
children just quite inside the classroom, regardless the teacher effort to encourage them to speak freely.
This action research is a collaborative research among researcher, class teacher and school headmaster. The
data collection by using observation, interview, and documentation. The data analyzed with descriptive
qualitative. Triangulation data is used to guaranty the data validity.
The result of this research shows the improvement in children speaking ability by employing Karyawisata
method. Pre observation data display only 34% from 23 children who able to speak freely. After the
first cycle, 65.5%, and the number goes up after the second cycle to 86.5%. So the implementation of
Karyawisata method is proven to increase children ability to speak.