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dc.contributor.authorIlma, Zidnie
dc.contributor.authorWantari, Anisa Sukma
dc.identifier.citationAviram, A. and Eshet-Alkalai, Y. 2006. “Towards a Theory of Digital Literacy: Three Scenarios for the Next Steps”. European Journall of Open, Distance, and E-Learning, vol. 1, 1-11. Binti Kamarulzaman, W. and bin Ahmad, I. S. 2014. “Contributing Factors to Children’s Critical Thinking Ability: The Perception of Preservice Teachers from A Private University in Malaysia”. Southeast Asia Psychology Journal, vol. 2, 69-76. Brown, S. A. 2014. “Conceptualizing Digital Literacies and Digital Ethics for Sustainability Education”. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, no. 3, vol. 15, 280-290. IJSHE-08-2012-0078 Buckingham, D. 2007. “Digital Media Literacies: Rethinking Media Education in the Age of the Internet”. Research in Comparative and International Education, no. 1, vol. 2, 43-55. Cogaltay, N. and Karadag, E. 2017. “Introduction to Meta-Analysis” (https://www.researchgate. net/publication/285576981), accessed on 2 April 2018. Creswell, J. (2005). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall DE ABREU, B. 2010. “Changing Technology = Empowering Students through Media Literacy Education”. New Horizons in Education, no. 3, vol. 58, 26-33. Dib, C. Z. 1988. Formal, Non-Formal and Informal Education: Concepts/Applicability. Proceeding on Cooperative Networks in Physics Education, 1988, New York, 300-315. Grajcevci, A. and Shala, A. 2016. “Formal and Non- Formal Education in the New Era”. Action Researcher in Education, no. 7, 119-130. Jansen, C. and Van der Merwe, P. 2015. “Teaching Practice in the 21st Century: Emerging Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities”. Universal Journal of Educational Research, no. 3, vol. 3, 190-199. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2015.030304 Kim, M. and Dopico E. 2014. “Science Education through Informal Education”. Springer, vol. 11, 439–445. Latchem, C. 2014. “Informal Learning and Non- Formal Education for Development”. Journal of Learning for Development, no. 1, vol. 1, 1-13. Ortega, L. E. 2008. “Digital Practices and Literacy Identities in English Education: From Deterministic Discourses to a Dialectic Framework”. Dissertation [Preview]. The Pennsylvania State University. UNICEF. (2006). Education for All Global Monitoring Report, Chapter 6: Understanding of Literacy (Rep.). Vittrup, B. et al. 2016. “Parental Perceptions of the Role of Media and Technology in Their Young Children’s Lives”. Journal of Early Childhood Research, no. 1, vol. 14, 43-54. World Economic Forum. (2015). New Vision for Education: Unlocking the Potential of Technology. 1st ed. [pdf] Geneva: World Economic Forum, p3. Available at: NewVisionforEducation_Report2015.pdf [Accessed 5 March 2018]id_ID
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to examine the teaching of digital literacy education in three Yogyakarta elementary schools within a non-formal context. An issue on digital literacy has risen for the past few years as the use of digital media and the internet by students is becoming more frequent these days. Therefore, it is not only the ability to understand how to use both media but also the ability to develop critical thinking skills. However, there is a lack of critical thinking teaching in the context of digital literacy education in the schools. Thus, a nonformal teaching and learning process could be one of the settings that is child-friendly. Qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed to conduct this research. Surveys were conducted for 50 students in three primary schools. The results were integrated with literature review because the integration of both approaches give better understanding about the issue. The hypothetical findings include: (1) a non-formal context is necessary to assist both students and schools in introducing literacy through digital media and (2) there are different result on students’ understanding about the use of digital media and the internet in the three schools.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.titleBringing Digital Literacy Education in A Non-Formal Contextid_ID

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