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dc.contributor.authorPrasetiawan, Hardi
dc.contributor.authorPrasetya, Akhmad Fajar
dc.identifier.citationBarak, Azy. 2008 Psychological Aspects of Cyberspace (Theory, Research, Applications). New York: Cambridge University Press. Barida, Muya, Prasetiawan, Hardi. 2017. Perspektif Teknik Self Management Untuk Peningkatan Kecerdasan Moral Remaja. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Peran Bimbingan Dan Konseling Dalam Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter. Issn: Blader, S. L., & Tyler, T. R. 2009. Testing and extending the group engagement model: Linkages between social identity, procedural justice, economic outcomes, and extrarole behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94, 445- 464. doi: 10.1037/a0013935 Faridah, Diantini, N. 2015. EfektivitasTeknik Modeling Melalui Konseling Kelompok Untuk Meningkatkan Karakter Rasa Hormat Peserta Didik (Quasi Eksperimen Terhadap Siswa Kelas X di SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bandung Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015). Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam Vol. 05, No. 01. Hal 45-46. Gackenbach, Jayne. 2007. Psychology and the Internet. New York: USA. Academic Press (AP). Goss, Stephen., Anthony, K., 2003. Technology in Counselling and Psychotherapy. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. Lickona, Thomas. 2012. Educating For Character (Mendidik Untuk Membentuk Karakter). Jakarta; Bumi Aksara. Kristanto, M. 2014. Pemanfaatan Cerita Rakyat Sebagai Penanaman Etika Untuk Membentuk Pendidikan Karakter Bangsa. Mimbar Sekolah Dasar, Volume 1 Nomor 1, Hal. 59-64 Meynar, S., & Kurniawan, K. 2017. Persepsi Siswa Kelas XI Terhadap Layanan Bimbingan Klasikal Di Sman 7 Semarang. Indonesian Journal of Guidance and Counseling: Theory and Application, 2(4). Mu’in, Fatchul. 2011. Pendidikan Karakter. Jogjakarta; Ar-Ruzz Media. Prasetya, AkhFajar. 2017. Model Cybercounseling : Telaah Konseling Berbasis Aplikasi Android. In Prosiding Seminar Nasional Bimbingan Konseling (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 31-38). Tommy, P, Suyasa, Y. S. 2010 Identifikasi Fenomena, Faktor, dan Fungsi Respect sebagai usaha Peningkatan Kualitas (Nilai-nilai & Sikap Kerja Positif) S u m b e r D a y a Manusia. Fakultas P s i k o l o g i Universitas Tarumanagara Ziomek, Jolie and Daigle. 2016. School Counseling Classroom Guidance. California: Sage Publication, Inc.id_ID
dc.description.abstractCharacter building is a term to describe the children’ behavior education. It will assist them developing various good and acceptable behavior such as politeness, obedience, and respects as a holistic of a cultural life context. As the time flies, many things shift into a negative line and do not correspond to the nature of the aim of the education. Carelessness of the prevailing regulation; intolerance; bad language use; and disrespect are the form of moral shifting. Attempts to build character and minds of adolescents particularly in educational settings can be made through folklore developed in many regions in Indonesia by possessing ethics values which is beneficial for Indonesia golden generation. The use of folklore is effective to teach good ethics and moral. Cybercounseling can be defined as counselor’ creative attempts in giving professional counseling service by utilizing electronic media to communicate through the internet. Classical Guidance is called as basic service since it is the part that possesses the biggest portion of school guidance and counseling services. The classical guidance focuses on the prevention and students’ mastery of their developmental tasks so it can be in line with the guidance’ goal of ethics understanding such as respect. In this case, the use of folklore wrapped in asynchronous cybercounseling through classical guidance format module can be a practical solution in increasing students’ respect.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.subjectAsynchronous Cybercounselingid_ID
dc.titleFolklore-Based Asynchronous Cybercounseling through Classical Guidance Format Module as The Practical Solution to Increase Children's Respectid_ID

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