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dc.contributor.authorSunarjono, Sri
dc.contributor.authorNyamadi, N
dc.identifier.citationAssar, G. R. and Burley, R. W., 1986. Hydrodynamics of Foam Flow in Pipes, Capillary Tubes, and Porous Media. In Encyclopedia of Fluid Mechanics, edited by N.P. Cheremisinoff, Vol. 3, pp. 26-42. Barinov, E.N., 1990. Formation and Properties of Foams. Leningrad Institute of Construction Engineering. Translated from Khimiya i Technologiya Topiv i Masel, No. 10, pp. 24-26, October 1990. Bauget, F., Langevin, D. and Lenormand, R., 2001. Dynamic Surface Properties of Asphaltenes and Resins at the Oil–Air Interface. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 239, 501–508 (2001). Breward, C.J.W., 1999. The Mathematics of Foam. PhD Thesis, St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford. Breward, C.J.W. and Howell, P.D., 2001. The Drainage of a Foam Lamella. Journal Fluid Mech. (2002), vol. 458, pp. 379-406, Cambridge University Press. He, G. and Wong, W. 2006. Decay Properties of the Foamed Bitumens. Construction and Building Materials, Volume 20, Issue 10, December 2006, Elsevier, Pp 866-877. Heller, J.P. and Kuntamukkula, M.S., 1987. Critical Review of the Foam Rheology Literature. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. Vol. 26, No. 2, 1987, pp. 318-325, © 1987 American Chemical Society. Jenkins, K.J., 2000. Characterisation of Foamed Bitumen. Chapter 3, Mix Design Considerations for Cold and Half-warm Bituminous Mixes with Emphasis on Foamed Bitumen, PhD Dissertation, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. Koelsch, P. and Motschmann, H., 2005. Relating Foam Stability and Surface Dilational Rheology. Langmuir. Mitchell, B.J., 1971. Test Data Fill Theory Gap on Using Foam as a Drilling Fluid. Oil and gas Journal, September 1971, pp. 96-100. Rankin, M.D., Friesenhahn, T.J., Price, W.R. and Pool, C., 1989. Lightened Fluid Hydraulics and Inclined Boreholes. SPE/IADC 18670, New Orleans. Schramm, L., L., 1994. Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry. Advances in Chemistry series 242, American Chemical Society, Washington DC. Weaire, D., Pittet, N., Hutzler, S. and Pardal, D., 1993. Steady-State Drainage of an Aqueous Foam. Physical review letters, volume 71, Number 16, The American Physical Society. Weaire, D. and Hutzler, S., 1999. The Physics of Foams. Oxford University Press. Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP.id_ID
dc.description.abstractFoamed bitumen is a binder of cold mix asphalt, a road material alternative of the conventional hot mix asphalt. Because of foamed bitumen properties are still not well defined, then the cold mix foamed asphalt performance is not interpreted correctly. It causes any research to unlock the understanding of foamed bitumen properties is necessary. This paper is therefore designed to open one of the important foamed bitumen propertis aspect, i.e. its structure. The foamed bitumen structures are explored based on theoretical study. It is studied in a general context, including foam behaviour, body structure, modulus, and rheology. It is deduced from the results that foamed bitumen can be included within the general foam family. Foamed bitumen composition, with both wet and dry foam formation, gives an indication that foamed bitumen behaviour complies with expected general foam properties. It can be concluded some general properties that are valid for general foam and which are also valid for characterising foamed bitumen. This includes foam quality categories, structure, modulus, and rheology. Category of Foamed bitumen quality can be approached by wet foam ranges between 52% and 87%, stable dry foam between 87% and 96%, and beyond 96% the dry foam becomes unstable. This quality category is adapted from foam in the general context.id_ID
dc.publisherProsiding Forum Studi Transportasi Perguruan Tinggiid_ID
dc.titleFoamed Bitumen Structureid_ID

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