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dc.contributor.authorSulistiyono, Adi
dc.contributor.authorDimyati, Khudzaifah
dc.contributor.authorWardiono, Kelik
dc.identifier.citationnderson, James E., 1979, Public Policy Making, New York, Praeger Publishers. Buku Pedoman Komite Penanggulangan Kemiskinan, Cet. Ke-V, 136 Jurisprudence, Vo. 1, No. 2. Spetember 2004: 112 - 136 Jakarta, KPK-RI, 2002 Dye, R. Thomas, 1978, Understanding Public Policy, Englewood Cliffs Inc, New Yersey, Prentice Hall. Jones, Charles O , 1977, An Introduction to Study of Public Policy, Massachustts, Duxbury Press. Kelsen, Hans, 1973, General Theory of Law and State, terjemahan Anders Wedberg, New York, Russell & Russell. Sidharta, Bernard Arief, 1994, “Teori Murni Tentang Hukum”, dalam Lili Rasjidi dan Arief Sidharta, Filsafat Hukum: Mazhab dan Refleksinya, Bandung, Remaja Rosdakarya. Sigler, Jay.A. dan Benyamin.R. Beede, 1977, The Legal Sources of Public Policy.. Belmont. California, D.C Heath and Company. Tjokroamidjojo, Bintoro, 1991, Pengantar Administrasi Pembangunan, Jakarta, LP3ES.en_US
dc.description.abstractighting poverty is basic duty of the government that must be realized as a fulfillment of peoples wish.This research is intended to understand the function of law as a national instrument for fighting poverty. The result is presumed useful for policy maker on relevant problem. Type of the research is doctrinal, and research material contains regulation, while data analysis is qualitativenormative. The result shows that law in fact have very important role in social change process, which means that law can be used as a main instrument on national policy, especially on fighting poverty. Law enforcement can not be exercised properly if the regulations purposed for relevant problems did not prepared properly. Fen_US
dc.subjectprogram pembangunan nasional lima tahunen_US
dc.subjectkomite penanggulangan kemiskinanen_US
dc.titleSeri Ringkasan Penelitian Hibah Pascasarjana Tahun I HUKUM SEBAGAI INSTRUMEN KEBIJAKAN: Studi Tentang Peran Hukum dalam Proses Penanggulangan Kemiskinanen_US

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