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dc.contributor.authorRahmawati, Sri
dc.contributor.authorRahman, R
dc.contributor.authorSopandi, Wahyu
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dc.description.abstractReading is one of the problems that has not been clearly resolved. As the research of PISA and UNESCO said that both reading interest and literacy culture are still low. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage from outside to increase reading interest which can affect the ability of reading comprehension, in this research is pop-up book. Pop-up book is a book that offers the potential for motion and interaction through the use of paper mechanisms such as folds, scrolls, or slide. The type of pop-up book that used in this research is lift the flap book. By using validity data and theory, this part of quasi experimental research, design to develop and factorially validate pop-up book based on tematik as learning media of reading comprehension. The instrument was face validated by learning media expert, Indonesian language expert, teacher class IV of primary school, and coleage. The results showed that pop-up book based on tematik can using in reading comprehension learning.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.subjectpop-up-book based on tematikid_ID
dc.subjectlearning mediaid_ID
dc.subjectreading comprehensionid_ID
dc.titleDevelopment and Validation Pop-Up Book based on Thematic as Learning Media of Reading Comprehensionid_ID

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