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dc.contributor.authorRitonga, Ramayana
dc.contributor.authorMuslikhah, M
dc.contributor.authorUtomo, Noor Setya
dc.contributor.authorSardin, S
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dc.description.abstractMoral education is integrated with religious education and citizenship education. The purpose of this study were to describe the implementation of moral education to form the character of “kids now”. This research used descriptive qualitative method with selected case from Al-Iktiar elementary school with using as a moral education basic to build character. The results of this study show that moral education that is taught in daily basis will become embedded character in children and become habit for them. Moral education show visible changes in children behavior who formed by greetings when meeting other people, smiling to others, and being polite to parents and older, teachers, friends, and others. Moral education has positive impacts both in home and school. It can be seen from children’s personalities and attitudes in accordance with their age, for example in discipline, regulated rules, mutual respect for older and younger peers, polite to parents, and honest and responsible from regular used. Moral feeling and moral meaning are applied in home and school with the implaned rules to children.id_ID
dc.publisherThe 2nd International Conference On Child-Friendly Education (ICCE) 2018id_ID
dc.subjectYoung generationid_ID
dc.titleHow Can Moral Education Shape The Character of "Kids Now"?id_ID

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