Literasi Matematika: Analisis Kemampuan Mahasiswa Calon Guru di Wilayah Perbatasan Indonesia –Timor Leste
Preservice teachers play mainrole in education because theyare tomorrow’steacherand future
instructional leaders. As an necessary skills in 21st century, mathematical literacy is pivotal in their
professional preparation and formatin as qualified ed uactors. The aim of this research is to
-Like problems based
on their origin regency. Seventy five participants were involved which are from 4 regencies in West
Timor : Belu, Malaka,
North Central Timor
(Timor Tengah Utara) and
South Central
(Timor Tengah Selatan) . Then it was analysed by using descriptive analysis method. The
result shows that students from Belu occupies the first position in having good literacy skills.
Meanwhile TTS obtained in the lowest position, disparity of mathematical literacy in TTS was
the best. Based on PISA domain, it showed that the most easily content is uncertainty and data and
the most difficult context is scientific context . Unfortunately, research found that 83% of
participants can solve PISA model test only on low level and just under 20% of students can solve
the modest and difficult level.