Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Dengan Menggunakan Metode Camel Pada Bank Kaltim Cabang Tanjung Redeb Periode 2010-2012
Recognizing the importance of the bank's roles in serving the various needs of the
economic and trades sectors, Bank Indonesia is required to apply the rules regarding on bank
health. Bank Indonesia's regulation number 6/10/PBI/2004, explain that the level of bank health
can be measured by Camel Methods. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the level of bank
health assesed by Camel Methods consist of Racio Car, KAP, NPM, ROA, BOPO, and LDR. The
type of research used in this article is descriptive with quantitative approach. The object of
research is Bank Kaltim which banks owned jointly between government provincial of
Kalimantan Timur and Government regency of Berau, so bank Kaltim branch of Tanjung redeb
capable to compete against other banks considering the high level of customer confident, that's
mean the money saving society should be guaranteed. The result of analysis show that financial
performance at bank kaltim branch of tanjung redeb for ratio CAR, KAP, NPM, ROA, BOPO,
LDR is categorized in health.