Pengaruh Riwayat Atopik terhadap Timbulnya Dermatitis Kontak Iritan di Perusahaan Batik Putra Laweyan Surakarta
Batik Putra Laweyan Company is a batik company in Surakarta which use the chemicals irritant that it can be potent to develop of skin disease among the workers , such as skin irritant contact dermatitis (ICD). There are endogen factor playing role in developing ICD, such as skin barrier and atopic history. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of atopic history in developing ICD in Batik Putra Laweyan Company Surakarta.This study is analytic observational with cross-sectional design conducted in Batik Putra Laweyan Company Surakarta. Data were collected from the primary, data obtained from questionaries and direct observation to the respondent. The Sample of the study was taken by Simple Random Sampling (SRS) Method and the subjects were all of the workers in Batik Putra Laweyan Company Surakarta. Statistic analysis was SPSS 16.0. Result of statistical test using Chi Square concluded that there is influence of atopic history in developing ICD (p= 0,001). The Odd Ratio is 5,37, meaning that people who own the atopic history rash an opportunity of 5,37 times compared to people who do not own the atopic history.This research concludes that atopic history influences the developing of ICD in Batik Putra Laweyan Company Surakarta.