As Islamic missionary endeavor and reform, Muhammadiyah always
evaluates its steps in missionary endeavor. The birth of cultural
missionary endeavor concept that has been emerged in Tanwir Meeting
in Bali, January 2002 and it was decided as the official decision in the
Tanwir Meeting in Ujung Pandang, June, 2003 is one of the concrete
forms in the efforts of the renewal steps in Muhammadiyah missionary
endeavor. But controversy cannot be hindered because it looks as if
Muhammadiyah cultural missionary endeavor became accommodative
toward TBC (superstition, heresy, and myth) that attach on most local
cultures. This article intends to (1) dig the right meaning of the cultural
missionary endeavor terminology, (2) give direction that every renewal
effort and the perfection of the steps in Muhammadiyah missionary endeavor
must be in the frame of tabsyir, islah , and tajdid , and (3) by the
right understanding, make up the concrete steps in developing missionary
endeavor network that is based on Al-Qur’an and the Sunnah.