Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Model Konseptual Relationship Marketing salam Business to Business: Pendekatan Dyadic Vs non-Dyadic 

      Setyawan, Anton Agus (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-08)
      In the field of relationship marketing debate about school of thought, research traditions and methods are confounding. However, there is a similar thought about the nature of relationship construct among marketing ...
    • Pengaruh Karakteristik Inovasi terhadap Niat Mengadopsi Solopos Epaper 

      Sholahuddin, S.; Setyawan, Anton Agus; Trisnawati, Rina (Muhammadiyah University Press, 2017-05-24)
      This paper to examines factors that the influence of innovation characteristic to intention to adopt Solopos epaper. Nowdays, many newspaper companies in Indonesia to offer the electronic paper (epaper) services. But not ...
    • Strategi Pengembangan MICE sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Sektor Pariwisata Kota Surakarta 

      Nugroho, Sidiq Permono; Setyawan, Anton Agus; Isa, Muzakar; Susila, Ihwan; Praswati, Aflit Nuryulia; Mangifera, Liana (The National Conference on Management and Business (NCMAB) 2018, 2018-05)
      Industri MICE (Meeting, Insentive travel, Convention, Exhibition) MICE merupakan pintu masuk untuk memperkenalkan pariwisata dan pada akhirnya menjadi destinasi wisata khusus (special interest tourism). Pelaku wisata ...