Now showing items 247-266 of 564


      Muthoifin, Muthoifin (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      The Twenty Minutes is a story that created by Oka Aurora which telling the holy war marching band team from Bontang Pupuk Kaltim which experience physical constraints and other can be a champion in Grand Prix Marching Band ...
    • Managemen Energi Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Daya Listrik dalam Industri Rumah Tangga 

      Handajadi, Wiwik (LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, 2015-08)
      Mengingat persediaan energi yang bersumber pada energi fosil di Indonesia saat ini tinggal sedikit sekitar 0,06 % dari cadangan dunia, maka perlu adanya pemanfaatan energi listrik yang sudah ada dioptimalkan dan digunakan ...
    • Manajemen Serangan Asma dalam Perspektif Pasien: Studi Kualitatif 

      Rejeki, Herni (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pakijangan, 2016-08-27)
      Asthma is a chronic obstructive disease, which sufferers experienced a lot of problems during the attack. The study aimed to identify the client’s experiences during the attack, so that it can be used as guidelines in ...
    • Manfaat dan Konsekuensi Hubungan antara Customer Contact Employee dan Pelanggan dalam Membangun Loyalitas Konsumen di Bidang Jasa 

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      Building relationship with customer is increasingly viewed as a strategic necessity in recent service business. In this study the author’s attempt to determine if relational benefit delivered by customer contact employee ...
    • Manfaat Latihan Pengaturan Pernafasan Untuk Menurunkan Tekanan Darah pada Penderita Hipertensi Primer 

      Herawati, Isnaini; Wahyuni, Wahyuni (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      Hypertension is predicted as causing of worldwide diseases for 4.5%. Its prevalence is nearly as large in developing countries and in developed countries. The raising of hypertension case is predicted for about ...
    • The Maximization Of The Filter Media to Reduce Fe From Water Well 

      Mashadi, Ahmad; Rakhmawati, Anis (LPPM UMS, 2015-01-24)
      Water is a renewable natural resource, are inseparable from human life in meeting daily needs. Water consumed by humans need good quality and meets the standards of the health, which is Fe level in drinking water should ...
    • Mean Arterial Pressure Non Invasif Blood Pressure (MAP-NIBP) pada Lateral Position dalam Perawatan Intensif: Studi Literature 

      Setiyawan, Setiyawan (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      Background: Critical patients ha ve a fluctuative hemod ynamic conditions, they are require to hemodyna mic mon itoring an d need early mobilization treatment. Lateral position is one of the nu rsing ...
    • Memahami Praktik Perilaku Pro Lingkungan Berdasar pada Sikap, Norma, dan Perilaku Konsumen 

      Waskito, Jati; Irawati, Zulfa (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      This study aims to investigate the differences in underlying psychological aspects regarding pro environmental behaviors between two distinct consumer groups: green product purchasers and green product non purchasers, it ...
    • Membandingkan IRT Model 3PL Dengan IRT Model 4PL Untuk Penilaian Menggunakan Computerized Adaptive Test 

      Fatkhudin, Aslam; Hidayatullah, M. Fikri (STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan, 2016-08-27)
      One of the computer-based testing is the Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT), which is a computer-based testing system where the items were given to the participants adapted to test the ability of the participants. ...
    • Membangun Karakter Siswa Melalui Layanan Bimbingan Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Kottabarat Surakarta 

      Unknown author (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      Forming student character is not an easy and quick effort. It requires continuous effort and deep reflection to make a series of Moral Choice (moral judgment) that must be followed up with concrete action, so it becomes a ...
    • Merokok dan Stres dengan Kejadian Hipertensi 

      Himawan, Rizka; Cholfah, Noor (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      As many as 1 billion people or 1 in 4 adults suffer from hypertension. In fact, the estimated number of people with hypertension will increase to 1.6 billion by 2025. Factors that can trigger hypertension revamped one ...
    • Migrant Workers become in Malaysia: Village Strategies to Over Come Poverty and Cost of Education 

      Subadi, Tjipto (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      The purpose of this study was to assess and describe, Strategy migrant workers in Malaysia who came from Central Java to overcome poverty, and costs education of their children. Research methods; This study used a qualitative ...
    • Minuman Sehat dari Bunga Bougainvillea sebagai Upaya Mengatasi Dysmenorrhea untuk Perempuan 

      Irwansyah, Muhammad Khafidh Rio; Setya, Tri Utami; Abidin, Syaiful (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      In the mod ern life almost everyone want a perfect life in physicaly and sp iritually. One of the things that be considered for women is a reprod uctive health because in every mon th has menstruate. Menstruate bleeding ...
    • Model Black Box untuk Identifikasi Tingkat Kerawanan Longsorlahan (Landslide Susceptibility) di Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 

      Priyono, Kuswaji Dwi; Saputra, Aditya; Jumadi (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2015-01-24)
      This study aims to determine: the distribution of landslide occurrence, the level of vulnerability (susceptibility) landslide, and the factors that trigger landslides most dominant in the study area. The method used in ...
    • Model Optimalisasi Keuntungan dan Efisiensi Ekonomi Relatif pada UKM Kain Troso Jepara 

      Komaryatin, Nurul (STIKES MUHAMMADIYAH KUDUS, 2016-02-13)
      SMEs have an important position in the development of the Indonesian economy. It can be demonstrated by its contribution to GDP, employment, and the circulation of the resources of the area. Judging from the quantity, ...
    • Model Pelayanan Kesehatan Berbasis Partisipasi Masyarakat untuk Meningkatkan Pelayanan Kesehatan Jiwa pada Masyarakat Setempat 

      Muhlisin, Abi; Pratiwi, Arum (LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, 2015-08)
      Community-Based Participatory research is very important, because this study is the needs of local community that is facilitated by the researchers to bridge the gap between knowledge and practice of health and improve ...
    • Model Pembelajaran Kreativitas dan Cinta Tanah Air melalui Apresiasi Seni Tari (Learning Model for Creativity and Nationalism Through Dance Apprecition) 

      M. Thoyibi; Prihartanti, Nanik; Wahyudiarto, Dwi (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2015-01-24)
      This study aims at developing a learning model for creativity and nationalism through dance appreciation. The study was conducted in two phases, namely module construction and its implementation. The activities related ...
    • Model Pembelajaran Membaca Pemahaman Berbasis Strategi Belajar Metakognisi 

      Riyadi, Iswan; Hersulastuti, Hersulastuti; Nugrahaningsih, Theresia Kriswianti (LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, 2015-08)
      This research is based on researchers’ previous finding over teachers’ complaint on the implementation of curriculum 2013. The low achievement of students’ reading comprehension ...
    • Model Pemberdayaan Konseling Peer Education dalam Upaya Membentuk Perilaku Berhenti Morokok pada Mahasiswa 

      Kusumawati, Yuli; Astuti, Dwi; Darnoto, Sri; Wijayanti, Anisa Catur; Setiyadi, Noor Alis (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2015-01-24)
      Non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, stroke, diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease until today continues to increase beyond infectious diseases. The main risk factors that aggravate the condition of a ...
    • Model Pembinaan Dosen Berbasis Program Perluasan Lesson Study untuk Penguatan Proses Pembelajaran di LPTK FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta 

      Sumardi; Subadi, Tjipto; Sutarni, Sri (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2015-01-24)
      The study aims to analyze and describe a model of the lecturers’ understanding development of lesson study, lesson study-based learning quality, and the students’ high cognitive learning capacity. It used a qualitative ...